The Hole Story Vol. 14, Issue 1 | Page 7

Some of you may have noticed some of the changes in 2017 , but the following are five of the big changes happening this year . From new events to new venues there are always changes happening at the IJGA and MAJGT . Let ’ s take a look at some of the other differences you ’ ll see this season :


Playing member single-day events are now all called PM Stroke Play Events . Player of the Year points will be awarded according to the number of players in the applicable division within the field . The size of the field is determined by the number of tee times that are available at the golf course on the given day of the event . Read more about this change later in this issue .


The Youth Development Program ( YDP ) now features a three-day Championship . The YDP Sizzler Championship will take place on July 31 - August 2 for the 12-13 year olds and the July 31 - August 1 for the 10-11 year olds . Not to worry , the single-day , 18-hole event will still take place on August 1 for those YDP players who do not wish to participate in the Sizzler Championship . Read more about this event in the Youth Development section .


GPS devices are now approved for use during official IJGA and MAJGT tournament rounds . For all Association competitions , a player may obtain distance information by use of a distance-measuring device including GPS devices . You are still not allowed to use any device during a stipulated round to gauge or measure other conditions that could affect your play , this would include elevation changes , wind speed , etc . The exception to this policy is that the use of a communication device ( i . e . mobile phone ) will remain prohibited in all competitions .


Range balls are included in your tournament entry fee if the course has a range . You may have noticed that there are two different price points for many of the single-day events . The entry fee will include range balls for courses that have a range on property .


Each division now features a team event . The MAJGT will host their second invite-only Fall Shootout this year . The Playing Member Division has an invite-only team for the Challenge Cup , but also invites everyone to grab a partner to compete in the 2-person Four-Ball event at the end of the summer . New this year for YDP is a team event , which is open to players of all skill levels . For the YDP team event , you can either register as a team online or call the office to be put on a list of other individuals who wish to participate .
The Hole Story // February 2017 7