With this being the first issue of The Hitching Post, all current members are included in this list. In the future, only new members will be listed in this segment.
Stephanie Adame
Mary Jedlicka Boisvert
Rebecca Buck
Heather Crispin
Rachel Buck-Fisher
Shannon Hamburger
Heather Harmon
Kris Hartman
Becky Jones
Elizabeth Jones
Crystal Keenan
Joni Langford
Alison Lee
Tracy Meisenbach
Terri Lynn Nutter
Jennifer Clark Questa
Heather Wagner
This segment is intended to honor the horses who have passed on. While alive, these horses touched and enriched the lives of those close to them. May the pastures be lush and green on the other side.
Corvids Thunder Cant
FDAS Dahlia
Paladins Enchanted Quest
Pipe Full of Spots
Silver Lining
The Hitching Post/February, 2014 5
Greener Pastures