3. Omega 3 Fatty Acid Rich Food
Studies have shown that people with depression are deficient in EPA which is a type of fatty acid. A study reported in the Archives of General Psychiatry also revealed that taking 1 gram of fish oil daily decreased multiple symptoms associated with depression such as suicidal ideation, feelings of sadness, low libido, sleep problems, and anxiety by 50 percent. Therefore, increase your dietary intake of omega 3 fatty acid rich foods since they may help alleviate mood changes as well as control the level of stress hormones. Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids include salmon, halibut, mackerel, tuna, anchovy, sardines, shad, and other fatty fish as well as flaxseed, walnuts, chia seeds, soybeans, winter squash, extra virgin olive oil, canola oil, soybean oil, and dark green vegetables.
4. Vitamin B9 Rich Food
Folic acid or folate or vitamin B 9 deficiency has been associated with depression in some elderly patients. A Spanish study also found that men who smoked had higher rates of depression as their intake of folate decreased. Another study found that folic acid is beneficial for patients who are on treatment for depression since 93% of patients who were taking folic acid with their SSRIs (depression treatment medication) improved while only 61% of patients who were taking the SSRIs without the folic acid improved. Taking folate has also been shown to reduce the Hamilton Rating score of patients with depression. Therefore, increase your folate intake by eating more green leafy vegetables like spinach, collards, and turnip greens, cauliflowers, dried beans, liver and nuts like peanuts.
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