The Healthy Christians Issue 1 | Page 7

JONAH The fifth example of God using “imperfect people” for His perfect plans is Jonah. Jonah was imperfect by human standards for God’s perfect plan of making the people of the Nineveh repent because when God to him, “Arise and go to Nineveh” (Jonah 1:2), Jonah arose and went to Tarshish. But, God still used Jonah to preach and make the entire city of Nineveh turn away from their sinful ways from the King and the Greatest to the least of them. (Jonah 3:5) Therefore do not despair and deem yourself unusable if you have turned your back on God or done things that you need to repent of and God is asking you to preach repentance. Turn back to God and repent like Jonah. Turn back to God and repent like Jonah Who prayed to the Lord from the fish’s belly (Jonah 2:1) because God can forgive you and still use you just as He used Jonah. Page 7 (C) All Rights Reserved. No material from this publication may be copied or reproduced without permission from