The Happiness Lab Delegate's Guide Chapter 4 — Friends & Family | Page 4
When it comes to creating your own formula for
happiness nearly everyone includes the importance
of friends and family. So, with that being the
case, it is important to take time to invest in these
precious relationships. What follows below are
several suggestions for how you can build more
meaningful connections.
Cheer each other on
Achievements become sweeter when they are
shared with others. When something good happens
to a friend, or when they accomplish something
(big or small), make a big deal out of it. If someone
close to you is rising to a challenge, cheer them on;
if they are finding the going quite tough then shout
for them as loud as you can.
Make time
Relationships blossom when they are watered with
time. Often, making time to invest in friendships
is about choices in how you spend your time.
Research indicates that choosing to spend time
with friends raises our levels of happiness.
Everybody is a masterpiece being prepared for the
big reveal. Take time to appreciate that which is
good about those close to you.
Cheer others on.
There are some for whom a hug is awkward – in
some circumstances even inappropriate – but where
it is possible and welcome, take time to hug your
friends – when you get together and when you say
Everyone gets it wrong at some point. There are
moments when the best and most noble thing to
do is to forgive and move on. This isn’t saying that
we should always forgive. If someone hurts you,
forgiving them does not mean that you just let
them hurt you again.
One of the great joys of life is being able to walk
down memory lane with some close friends and tell
the story again. Plan time with some of your oldest
friends to do just that.