The Hammonton Gazette 12/19/18 Edition | Page 5

School board held its regular meeting on Dec. 13 Page 4 • Wednesday, December 19, 2018 • The Hammonton Gazette SCHOOL, from Page 1 was finance, and 16 resolutions were approved. among other things in relation to finances, the Board resolved to: • ratify the purchase order lists for October 2018, in the amount of $437,567.35. • approve the bill list for De- cember 2018, in the amount of $960,036.35. • ratify the check lists for No- vember and December 2018, in the amount of $3,176,672.25. • approve the purchase of music equipment from Coles Music Service for the high school and middle school bands in the amount of $17,970.52. • approve the purchase of a school bus (a 2020 54-Passenger Blue Bird School Bus from Hoover truck & Bus Centers) in the amount of $100,186.48. • approve to dispose of anti- quated “Go Math” textbooks lo- cated at Warren e. Sooy Jr. elementary school. in regards to the new school bus, board member Barbara Bere- nato noted that it is a necessary purchase because it will shorten the amount of time some students spend on the bus. “the need for this [new bus] is going to be instrumental because it will cut down on time. there are students who are on the bus for two hours,” Berenato said. the board then turned to 17 res- olutions involving personnel, and, among other things, they resolved to: • approve a letter of resignation from early Childhood education Center instructional aide Deanna Calabria, effective December 21, 2018. • approve professional staff members to provide tutoring serv- ices for the Hammonton early Childhood education Center Helping Hands and Sooy elemen- tary Project assist District title i after-school programs. the ap- proved instructors and planners are the following: ashley Noll, ashley Brigandi, Nereida rosado, amy D’ambrosia, Dana Grasso, Joni Diemma, amy DiMatteo, Stefanie Dooley, andrea Silipena, Gina Silipena and Denise am- brose. Cindy McBride was ap- proved as the nurse for the after-school programs, and Beth Bugdon was approved as Program admin/Lead teacher. Substitutes were also approved. in total, $15,544.66 will be spent to pay these personnel for the 20 sessions of the after-school programs. • approve the following person- nel for Warren e. Sooy Jr. ele- mentary School Curriculum and instruction Coordinators for the 2018-2019 school year: Lori Sci- bilia (Grade 2), Karen Viruet (Grade 3), renee Clark (Grade 4), Sandy Silipino (Grade 5), amy Clauhs (Bilingual) and Jennifer Greco (Special education). each of these personnel will receive a stipend. • approve to create and post the full time positions of Bus Driver/Grounds, Bus Driver/Mainte- nance, and Bus Driver/Custodial. • approve a letter of retirement for district bus driver Gregg in- gram, effective January 3, 2019, and district custodian John De- Palma, effective august 31, 2019. • approve the following person- nel pending receipt of necessary paperwork: Carolann Cohan (dis- trict part-time food service worker); evelyn Santiago (substi- tute teacher/guidance counselor with a teaching certificate); Jaeda Cooper, alicia Grunewald, Shari Grinceri (substitute teachers with a New Jersey substitute certifi- cate); Victoria Neill (substitute See DIStRICt, Page 18 SOLD! 800 S. White Horse Pike (Crowley Center), P.O. Box 1119 • Hammonton • 561-0505 • [email protected] • Congratulations JANET MCDONALD on the purchase of your home! Thank you for putting your trust in Crowley & Carr. “The Best Place in Town to Find the Best Place in Town.” With nearly 30 years in business, who better to guide you on all your Real Estate needs than the CROWLEY & CARR REAL ESTATE TEAM!