The Hammonton Gazette 12/19/18 Edition | Page 4

town’s solar array ordinance could be amended Wednesday, December 19, 2018 • The Hammonton Gazette • Page 3 SOLAR, from Page 1 for a hardship variance with the town planning board. the board is tasked with assessing the positive and negative criteria associated with allowing a ground mounted solar array to be permitted in a res- idential zoning district. However, ever since state legis- lation was passed in 2009 that cod- ified the land use term “inherently beneficial use,” which includes “a wind, solar or photovoltaic energy facility or structure,” it became dif- ficult for the board to rule against homeowners seeking to install ground mounted solar arrays, ac- cording to Schroeder. also, because New Jersey has utilized a Solar renewable energy Credit (SreC) system for the past several years to incentivize home- owners to implement solar power, solar arrays have been increasingly popular. Consequently, hardship variances for ground-mounted solar arrays have become a com- mon application for the planning board to review, even though they are almost always approved due to the state laws supporting their use. During the planning board’s meeting on December 5, board so- licitor James Schroeder that it may be time for town council to revisit and consider amending its solar array ordinance due to the changes that have taken place in the solar industry and in the state legisla- ture. “a solar array is an inherently beneficial use, which sets a very high bar for saying ‘No’ to that … So, what i think is happening is that people are coming and making good cases and the board is ruling correctly. and in my opinion, it’s triggering another responsibility of the board, which is to advise mayor and council when they feel like ordinances are out of step with what’s happening,” Schroeder said in a phone interview with The Gazette. Schroeder said making residents appear before the planning board for a hardship variance that is es- sentially a forgone conclusion is unnecessary, both for them and the board’s professionals like board planner Kevin Dixon. “Kevin and i have to pay mort- gages too, but i just feel like it’s Now carrying Blush by Hayley Paige and Maggie Sottero We carry gorgeous dresses by: One Sindoni Lane, Suite C, Hammonton (609) 270-7886 • Hayley Paige, Maggie Sottero Casablanca, Mori Lee, and so much more! HOLIDAY HOURS Wednesday, Dec. 19, Thursday, Dec. 20 and Friday, Dec. 21: 9:30 - 9 Saturday, Dec. 22: 9:30-7 Sunday, Dec. 23: 10-5 Monday, Christmas Eve: 9-6 New Jewelry Just in... Amazing Designer Pieces Priced Just Right For every Santa C USTOM E NGAGEMENT R INGS & W EDDING B ANDS R EPAIRS C OMPLETED ON P REMISES 121 S. White Horse Pike Across from McDonald’s Hammonton • 561-6222 unnecessary for them to have Kevin go through his report every time and bill the client. it’s unnec- essary for them to have me write a resolution and shoehorn all these ideas in when they’re doing this to save money. Let’s do something good for the people if we can,” Schroeder said at the December 5 meeting. Dixon suggested that the board consider recommending council to classify a ground-mounted solar array as a conditional use with clearly defined negative criteria, which will prevent the prolifera- tion of ground-mounted solar ar- rays despite their inherently beneficial use. “if you define the negative im- pacts, then that offsets the inher- ently beneficial positive criteria. and if you define what those neg- ative impacts are and outline them as conditions that have to be met, then they automatically can’t meet the negative criteria and they don’t even qualify for a use variance at that point,” Dixon said on Decem- ber 5. Board member Jonathan Oliva said establishing firm parameters on what is a permitted ground- mounted solar array would elimi- nate the need for applicants to appear before the board and pay the costs of land use application fees. “if we set specific width, depth, height guidelines to whatever it is—setback guidelines—to this, they would be administratively ap- proved. they would have to work within those guidelines, and then, at that point, if they exceeded those guidelines and then the neighbor came in and said, ‘Hey, i’ve got this problem,’ well, then it’s on our code enforcement to make sure that we’re going to go out and we’re going to actually police this,” Oliva said during the De- cember 5 meeting. the board will continue to dis- cuss the matter during its next meeting on December 19. in the meantime, Dixon sought permis- sion to write a memo that summa- rizes his office’s concerns regarding the current solar array ordinance, as well as his under- standing of the board’s concerns about the issue, which he said could result in the proliferation of ground-mounted solar arrays in residential zoning districts if coun- cil doesn’t reassess the way it han- dles these applications. “if they continue to get ap- proved, there will be a tipping point where it will appear to have proliferated right under our noses because they’ve all been approved up to a point where we’re starting to see them in everybody’s yard, everywhere we go, and we don’t want to get there,” Dixon said on December 5. 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