The Hammonton Gazette 12/06/23 Edition | Page 4

Page 4 • Wednesday , December 6 , 2023 • The Hammonton Gazette

Noise concern addressed during council meeting

NOISE , from Page 1
at all hours of the day . The noise is so intensely loud that she said her windows rattle nearly two blocks away when they turn it


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“ I just wish the airwaves in Little Italy were as clean as the water ,” Calletta said .
She said that the police are routinely called on this house . Since the music is technically played outside of the hours outlined in the noise ordinance , the police are unable to meaningfully act on the noise problem .
The ordinance provides that loud noises that disturb the public are not allowed between the hours of 10 p . m . and 6 a . m . on weekdays , and 11 p . m . to 7 a . m . on weekends . Since these noise complaints are happening during daylight hours , there is no legal action that can be taken on the house .
Calletta said that she was at the meeting on behalf of her neighbors , who are older residents . She claimed that , should herself or her neighbors put their
houses up on the market , they would be unable to sell because of the noise coming from Third Street .
Calletta suggested taking a noise ordinance from Bridgewater , N . J . as a reference for how to revise and improve Hammonton ’ s noise ordinance . That ordinance is highly specific and includes provisions to measure specific sound decibels inside and outside residences and appoint noise officers , among other things .
Mayor Stephen DiDonato said that he would work with Law and Order and Hammonton Police Chief Kevin Friel to potentially revise the ordinance and update it to be more reflective of the needs of Hammonton residents .
The next town council meeting is scheduled for Dec . 18 at town hall .