The Hammonton Gazette 12/04/19 Edition | Page 5

Town council passed several ordinances on Nov. 18 Page 4 • Wednesday, December 4, 2019 • The Hammonton Gazette COUNCIL, from Page 1 place and use affect and are detri- mental to the public health, com- fort, convenience, safety, welfare and prosperity of the residents of the town of Hammonton.” The ordinance states that the provisions and prohibitions con- tained therein are, “in pursuant of and for the purpose of securing and promoting the public health, comfort, convenience, safety, welfare and peace and quiet” of the town and its resi- dents. The ordinance prohibits noise that is “plainly audible at a dis- tance of 50 feet from the building, structure, vehicle, or place in which the noise is emanating” be- tween the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., from Monday to Friday; and the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Examples of loud, disturbing and unnecessary noises include, but are not limited to: radios, tele- visions, phonographs, loudspeak- ers, amplifiers for advertising, yelling, shouting, animals, horns, steam whistles, exhaust, vehicle defect, drums, hawkers, pile driv- ers, etc. Violation of the ordinance car- ries a fine of not more than $2,000, imprisonment for not more than 90 days and/or a pe- riod of community service for not more than 90 days. The ordinance was approved. Ordinance #031-2019 was then introduced, which amends Chap- ter 216, Articles I and II regarding landlord responsibility for tenant behavior. According to the language of the ordinance, “Hammonton and its citizens have experienced dis- turbances, damage and public ex- pense from carelessly granted and inadequately supervised rentals to irresponsible tenants or occupants by inept or indifferent landlords. This Chapter is enacted to pre- serve the peace and tranquility of the community for its permanent residents, and for all persons and families availing themselves of the facilities in the community. The enactment of this Chapter is necessary and desirable to provide a means to curve and discourage those occasional excesses arising from irresponsible rentals.” The ordinance states that the in- tention is to regulate “regulate im- proper behavior by occupants of residential rental premises.” It also establishes procedures to be followed by landlords/owners if their “tenants, or the tenant’s invi- tees, guests and such with their pets, engage in any disorderly conduct, nuisance, offensive lan- guage or other behaviors of con- duct” which is in violation of the law. The ordinance would require owners/landlords to be notified by writing of any written warning or summons issued to their tenants. Should the tenant receive a second written warning or summons for the same offense, the landlord would be found to be in violation of this ordinance. Should that be the case, the owner/landlord may be required to post a bond of no less than $500 and no more than $5,000 “against the consequences of future inci- dences of the same or similar character.” The ordinance was approved. Council also introduced Ordi- nance #028-2019, Amending Chapter 184 Articles I and II Re- lease of Balloons. The ordinance states, “it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or organization to intentionally re- lease, organize the release of, or intentionally cause to be released untethered sky lanterns or aerial luminary lanterns or similar de- vices, except balloons released for a specific scientific or meteoro- logical purpose by a governmental agency pursuant to a governmen- tal contract or by a recognized ed- See TOWN, Page 14 SOLD! 800 S. White Horse Pike (Crowley Center), P.O. Box 1119 • Hammonton • 561-0505 • [email protected] • Congratulations BROOKE BARBER on the purchase of your home! Thank you for putting your trust in Crowley & Carr. “The Best Place in Town to Find the Best Place in Town.” With nearly 30 years in business, who better to guide you on all your Real Estate needs than the CROWLEY & CARR REAL ESTATE TEAM!