Chamber leadership offers take on the local business year
Page 4 • Wednesday, November 5, 2014 • The Hammonton Gazette
by Paul J. Macrie IV
HAMMONTON—Greater Hammonton
Chamber of Commerce President Kelly
Raso and Executive Director John Runfolo
offered their take on how the year has been
for local businesses.
They also spoke about some recent
Chamber accomplishments. The leadership
team is pleased with the ongoing efforts of
Hammonton organizations and volunteers,
allowing for increased business exposure
from downtown to uptown as well as the
business park.
According to Runfolo, Hammonton
seems to have a vibrancy that keeps the
town moving forward.
“Now, we have lost some businesses, but
we have also gained some businesses. The
uptown event [Blueberry Crossing Fall
Fest] was very successful. There seems to
be a cognizance that there is that uptown
area. The other areas we are working on,
but right now we at least have leadership.
The perception is we are moving forward.
There seems to be that positive feeling in
town. We are just working towards doing
more and more for the businessperson,”
Runfolo said.
With that said, Runfolo is concerned
about the current state of Atlantic City as it
has an effect on town residents as well.
“There are people in our town and surrounding areas that are out of a job.
With all the casinos closing and all
of the other business going on, it is
a big battle. That has to be factored. We are optimistic, but we
have to be realistic too. Some of
our constituency isn’t in the job
market anymore. We have won
some and we have lost some here
in town. We pick up a business
here and we lose a few there,”
Runfolo said.
“A BEST [Business Education
Series Today] Series Event” presentation has been a notable addition to the local Chamber of
Commerce. For example, on
Thursday, November 6 the Chamber is hosting its third business
speaking engagement, free to
members, and the business community is invited. It will be located
at New Jersey Manufacturers
Complex on 12th Street. The guest
speaker for this event is Lou Chodoff, Esq. of Ballard Spahr LLP, in
Cherry Hil