The Hammonton Gazette 10/21/15 Edition | Page 5

Local author of Yosemite Page 4 • Wednesday, October 21, 2015 • The Hammonton Gazette YOSEMITE, from Page 1 who worked at Yosemite National Park in California. Yosemite National Park is located deep within California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains and attracts over four million tourists annually. it is best known for its amazing waterfalls and giant sequoia trees. She recently released a book titled, very appropriately, Yosemite: Art of an American Icon. the book features chapters on many different aspects of life at Yosemite, each of which has some sort of influence on the art that has come from the park and its world renowned history. “i always thought i would publish a book on this specific art, the art of Yosemite Valley, paintings and photographs. i just never found a publisher for it. i published an article on the prints of Yosemite Valley and it was included in a book during 2008 about Yosemite art as an American icon. i did the 19th Century painting chapter. i think it was because of those articles that this publisher in London, reaktion Books, thought that maybe i would write something on Yosemite for Courtesy Photo. To purchase photos in The Gazette, call (609) 704-1940. them … it ended up being sort of a Professor Kate Nearpass Ogden with her new book Yosemite. Ogden is piccultural history of a scenic locatured inside Casciano where she spent time working on the book tion,” Ogden said. You can also purchase her book or by visiting the University of Ogden wrote the book after online through Chicago Press Books website. spending countless hours studying the park’s rich and beautiful history. She not only learned through her own discoveries, but through those of historians and artists who have come before her. Not only is it beautifully written, the book is illustrated with breathtaking paintings and lifelike photography of the must-see scenery. “the book is a lot of different things. it’s an environmental history but also an art history and a little bit of Native American history, although i’m not a real expert on that part. there is geological history and a little bit of religion ... So there’s this whole interest in whether we can make religion and science work together,” Ogden said. Yosemite ” is a cultural history of a spectacular scenic location. it begins with the valley’s geological origins, the life of the Native Americans who lived there, its discovery by AngloAmericans in the mid19th century, and the preservation of the valley, first as a state park and then as one of America’s first great national parks. the