The Hammonton Gazette 10/18/23 Edition | Page 3

DiMeglio Septic , Inc .
The Hammonton Environmental Commission discussed applications for tree removals that were undersized at their meeting on Oct . 11 at town hall . There were multiple tree removal applications at the meeting that were approved , but had no need for an application because they were under the required size to need approval . Commission members were brainstorming ideas on how they can make sure the public knows which trees need approval and which ones don ’ t need approval . They feel the town ordinances may need to be changed .
There were multiple other tree removal applications voted on at the meeting . There was an approval for multiple trees to be removed at a property on Valley Avenue . A tree on Tilton Street was on the agenda , but was approved earlier by Commission Chair Dan Bachalis . Trees on N . Packard , Central Avenue and N . First Street were approved .
Trees on Batchelor Lane were approved only as it was presented on the application . There was a bit of confusion with that property and their application .
An application for removals on Waterfront Way was tabled until a further meeting because of confusion with the application . The applicant was asked to be present at the meeting , but was not in attendance .
Trees on a property on Orchard Street had one of the trees approved and another tree on the property to be approved to prune instead of removed . The Commision couldn ’ t come to an agreement on whether it should be completely removed or not . The
Wednesday , October 18 , 2023 • The Hammonton Gazette • Page 3

HEC discuss undersized trees on removal applications

by Donald Yamasaki FOR THE GAZETTE

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decision can be appealed at next month ’ s meeting .
Also at the meeting , member Amy Menzel did the report for the Green Committee . In her report , she informed that the community gardens are getting ready to wrap-up for the season . On Nov . 11 , there will be a work day to tidy up and take care of the garden beds that still need to be helped .
The Green Committee is still donating produce and has been doing that all summer . The Committee is still looking for a shed donation for their storage needs .
Theft has still been present in the garden since it was brought to light back in the summer .
“ You know , it ’ s just been kind of ongoing . Things continue to disappear ,” Menzel said . “ It ’ s not totally cleaned out , but gardeners have reported missing items .”
Menzel brought up that the Green Committee is hosting a compost basics workshop . It is meant for people to learn everything they need to know about composting so they can get started . It will take place at the Hammonton Library on Oct . 19 at 6 p . m .
The Green Committee is looking to compost pumpkins twice in November .
“ We are looking to do a pumpkin smash composting with two dates , one on Nov . 5 , and one on Nov . 24 ,” Menzel said . “ So Nov . 5 will take care of people ’ s droopy Jack O ’ Lanterns after Halloween and Nov . 24 for everyone ’ s Thanksgiving decorations .”
Menzel concluded her report with the Green Day Festival . She said that things are looking good . They have a nice mix of both forprofit and non-profit vendors attending the event . There will be a full day of workshops , multiple local authors , live music and non-traditional recycling available .
“ You can recycle your denim . Your plastic bags , reusable bags and plastic toys ,” Menzel said . “ So all the things that you can ’ t normally put into the recycling bin still have an opportunity to find new homes .”
Green Day will take place on Nov . 4 from noon to 4 p . m . at Veteran ’ s Memorial Park on Bellevue Avenue .
See HEC , Page 8

DiMeglio Septic , Inc .

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