The Hammonton Gazette 10/05/22 Edition | страница 5

Page 4 • Wednesday , October 5 , 2022 • The Hammonton Gazette

Hammonton Home & School Association gives back

HH & SA , from Page 1 are working towards adding a new event for the holiday .
“ This year we ’ re going to hold a trunk or treat . We thought that it might be a fun way for different organizations in the community to get involved … We got the school ’ s backing and they ’ re giving us the space we need , and the organizations

Downtown Trick or Treat Saturday Oct . 22

HAMMONTON — MainStreet Hammonton will be hosting the 16th Annual Downtown Trick or Treat on Saturday October 22 , 2022 from 2 p . m . to 4 p . m . The rain date will be Saturday , October 29 , 2022 . Throughout the downtown , local businesses and churches will be handing out treats and offering kid friendly activities crafts and games . A Costume Contest for Kids will begin at 3 p . m . with a prize given in the following categories : Scariest , Most Creative , Best Group and Cutest . A Pet Costume Contest will immediately follow with a first and second prize . Registration for both contests will begin at 2 p . m . at the corner of Bellevue Ave and Central Avenue . You must be registered to participate . For more information , contact the MainStreet Hammonton Office at mainstreethammonton @ ymail . com or go to www . downtownhammonton . com . and the school are coming forward wanting to set up spots ,” Reitmeyer said .
The trunk or treat is being held on Sunday , October 23 from 1p . m . to 4 p . m . in the student parking lot of Hammonton High School . Participants are asked to bring candy for 400 children .
With the addition of the trunk or treat event , Reitmeyer and the HH & SA hope to bring a spooky event to the schools for the holiday , but also hope to bring the communities together as well . Coming together to help the students and schools is something that Reitmeyer is passionate about , even if only one child needs help . Reitmeyer reflected on purchasing an iPad carrying case for a special needs child in the school district , which was requested through a form that the non-profit would eventually read and vote on following a review .
“ If people don ’ t reach out , then we don ’ t know there ’ s a need . We only know what our kids are talking about , that ’ s why those forms are so useful because it brings attention to other things ,” Reitmeyer said .
Reitmeyer said that the forms allowed for the non-profit to help the special needs child , and find out other information such as the Devils Pantry at the High School .
The HH & SA also helps to fund trips for special education children ,
giving them the opportunity to work on their skills .
“ Special-ed kids in pre-K , kindergarten and first grade , we send them to see a sensory Santa Claus , and then we take them to McDonald ’ s to work on their social skills ,” Reitmeyer said .
The HH & SA is always welcoming new parents into the organization , with a membership fee of only $ 5 to join .
“ Every kid in the district in pre-K through fifth grade had a flyer sent home with them , like a membership flyer , and we ’ ve already had a lot of people join . The Back to School nights we have a table at each of the four Back to School nights , and we ’ ll have membership forms there . Membership is only $ 5 for the entire family for the whole year ,” Reitmeyer said in mid-September .
For more information on the HH & SA , Reitmeyer gave specific instructions on how to find the nonprofit and how interested readers can join .
“ We ’ re on Facebook and Instagram … it ’ ll give you our site and you can message us … or you can go into hammontonpublicschools . org , then you would click on parents , under parents there ’ s community organizations . Under community organizations it ’ s the Hammonton Home and School Association ,” Reitmeyer said .