The Hammonton Gazette 09/27/23 Edition | Page 4

Page 4 • Wednesday , September 27 , 2023 • The Hammonton Gazette

Hispanic Heritage Month kicks off with event

KICKOFF , from Page 1
During the opening speeches , Councilman Jonathan Oliva gave a few words .
“ On behalf of Mayor Steve Di- Donato , Deputy Mayor Tom Gribbin and the rest of Hammonton town council , we would like to thank Allies in Caring , Convivir and Hammonton Health Coalition for allowing us to be part of this wonderful kickoff to this monthlong celebration ,” Oliva said .
Oliva , who grew up in an Italian household , said his best friend since he was 11 grew up in a Hispanic household .
“ As a child , I recognize that her household and my household were very similar . That the same things our family felt was important , her family felt was important , and when I was there it felt like home ,” Oliva said .
As a councilman , he said he notices more similarities from both Italian and Hispanic cultures from devoted parishioners in churches , involved parents at the schools and the business people .
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Left : Carlos Sunuc holds a barrilete kite . Right : Alejandra Figueroa , Rosita Salvatierra , Community Engagement for
Allies in Caring Copelia Morales , Community Heath Worker Isabel Figueroa , Mexican Consul Representative Raúl
Escamilla , Communications Specialist Tania Rivera , Allies in Caring Founder and CEO Ivette Guillermo-McGahee ,
Councilman Jonathan Oliva and Noyes Museum of Art of Stockton University Executive Director Michael Cagno .
“ The town of Hammonton cannot thank the Hispanic community enough for everything that it has done and continues to do to invite a welcoming and wonderful society here within our community ,” Oliva said . “ As we kickoff this month-long celebration , I would just like to say thank you very much to the Hispanic community for everything that you have done and continue to do in Hammonton .” Other speakers included Coordinator
for Hammonton Health Coalition Kathia Ramirez , Noyes Museum of Art of Stockton University Executive Director Michael Cagno , Mexican Consul Representative Raúl Escamilla , Artist Isabel Figueroa and Community Relations Manager at Allies in Caring Copelia Morales .
“ Enjoy the festivities and let the Hispanic Month fill your hearts ,” Rivera said .
Jim Bacon attended the event with his wife Andrea Flores-
Mendoza who was selling her poetry book .
“ We try to support the Hispanic community . We try to showcase the talent , the skills and all the contributions that the Hispanic community does ,” Bacon said .
Bacon said the Hispanic community in Hammonton is diverse .
“ It used to be a lot of Mexican at the beginning of Hammonton , and now it has been diversified . My wife ’ s from Honduras . I ’ m from Peru . I see Columbia , El
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Isabel Figueroa stands next to her art . Salvador , Nicaragua , Puerto Rico , all of them come together . It ’ s a diverse Hispanic culture in Hammonton ,” Bacon said .
He said it ’ s important to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month because it shows different perspectives in life .
“ I think it ’ s important to celebrate because it shows different perspectives in life . Many of the immigrants that come here they struggle in their countries and they find a way to make it here , and they ’ re here to do better for their next generation ,” Bacon said .
Hispanic Heritage Month celebrations around the country will continue from now to Oct . 15 .
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Pictured ( l-r ): Katherine Nodolski , Allyson Pichardo , Antonia Pacheco , Francisica Aguilar and Tania Rivera .
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Left : Jim Bacon and Andrea Flores Mendoza sells poetry books with their children Nicolette Munguia-Flores and Paul Bacon . Right : Juwana McNear and Monique Corbitt sit at the Avanzar table .