The Hammonton Gazette 06/29/16 Edition | Page 4

DiMeglio Septic , Inc .
PROJECT , from Page 1 responsible for all the site controls , moving any excess soil off the site and doing the digging and such . GeoSolutions , they ’ re the one who actually does the soil mixing . The way the procedure happens is we took soil samples from the site , sent them to a lab , they created different mixes in the lab and tested it and everything , and it passed . The field study consists of replicating those same conditions that we had in the lab out in the field and then testing it . We have completed somewhere between four , maybe five different test cells . There is different sampling done on those test cells . Some of it you do while it ’ s mixed . Others you let it cure and then take a core to make sure you ’ re getting all the mixer ,” Sheppard said .
He continued by talking about the upcoming stages of the project and what residents can expect to see in the near future .
“ We ’ ve been working on getting the foundations and other structures that were there from the plant out of there . There will be a little more soil excavation to create that cake layer and then the mixing will start . The timing on that , it really depends on how quickly we get the data back and get those opinions on the most efficient mix , but we certainly anticipate sometime within the next two to three weeks getting things rolling on production ,” Sheppard said .
Councilman Steven Furgione asked if there will be any heightened noise in the upcoming stages of the project . Sheppard told him no .
“ You ’ ve already seen the worst of the noise in the project ,” Sheppard said .
There was a lengthy discussion about the ongoing problem with bulky and brush trash pickup . Hammonton Public Works Manager / Business Administrator Jerome Barberio said that the town is still handing out more than 100 warnings each month , most of which are for brush violations .
Wednesday , June 29 , 2016 • The Hammonton Gazette • Page 3

S . J . Gas briefs town on Lincoln St . water dept . remediation progress

“ I don ’ t think that the message is getting out about how things need to work ,” Barberio said .
A new ordinance was scheduled to be introduced at the town council meeting held on June 27 that made slight changes to the current warning / violation process . A full schedule of brush and bulky pickup days can be found at www . townofhammonton . org / departments-services / highway / brush-removal /.

July 4 : Service , parade , picnic , Goodman Fiske and fireworks

FOuRTH , from Page 1 town , and a picnic , a concert by Goodman Fiske and fireworks at the lake park , organizers said .
The members who attended the meeting were Robert Schenk , Joanna Conn , Rosalyn Rosada , Harry Stafford , Angela Donio , Monica Wuillermin , Dan Bachalis , Lori Orsi and Becky Villani . Some of the discussions included the Fourth of July festivities and community picnic , along with the Interfaith Service and the Hammonton Lions Club time capsule .
The Independence Day Parade was the biggest part of the meeting , since there has not been a parade in decades for the Hammonton patriotic celebration . The committee has decided to bring back the parade including various groups in the walk along the streets to bring the community together .
“ There will be fireworks , face paintings and many other things that we usually do , but the parade is the first time we ’ ve had one in a while ,” executive committee member Schenk said . Schenk is well-known locally for organizing the Kiwanis Club Halloween parade and wants to bring the fun to this holiday celebration .
With Hammonton incorporating 150 years ago , it seems fitting that the committee makes this year a special year for the town , as well as represent the country ’ s independence .
The day will begin at 9 a . m . with the interfaith service at the lake park near the Kiwanis Pavilion , followed by the parade beginning at noon in downtown Hammonton . People will begin lining up for the parade starting at 11 a . m ., and it will mainly go along Bellevue from Egg Harbor Road to Third Street beginning at 12 noon . Not only will there be a parade , but there will also be a picnic follow-
See CELEbRATION , Page 12

DiMeglio Septic , Inc .

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