The Hammonton Gazette 06/27/18 Digital Edition | Page 2

HMS students graduate eighth grade p. 31 A ‘berry’ good time was had by all at Festival p. 33-44 Last week to vote for the Hammy Awards! p. 22 KRAMER SUBDIVISION OK’D Wednesday, June 27, 2018 Volume 22 • Issue 26 by Stephen Pistone G AZETTE S TAFF W RITER HAMMONTON—During its meeting on June 20, the Hammonton Planning Board unanimously approved a Bucknam: Kramer Beverage Co. is planning an expansion subdivision in relation to a land swap between Kramer Beverage Company and the Town of Hammonton, which was recently finalized by town council. 313 graduates in HHS Class of 2018 by Stephen Pistone G AZETTE S TAFF W RITER HAMMONTON—Three-hun- dred thirteen seniors comprised Hammonton High School’s (HHS) graduating class of 2018, which was officially introduced during HHS’s graduation ceremony on The subdivision was requested by Kramer Beverage Real Estate LLC and proposes to consolidate Lot 46 and 54 of Block 1201 on the town tax map into a lot that will be known as Lot 46, and subdivide a portion of Lots 44 and 45 that will be owned by the town in accordance with the terms of the land swap. Kramer Beverage Real Estate LLC was represented during the meeting by Kramer Beverage Company President Mark Kramer, See PLANNING, Page 4 June 19. The Class of 2018, which was HHS’s 122nd graduating class, was organized into alternating rows of blue and white gowns as graduates filed onto Robert Capo- ferri Football Field to begin the ceremony while friends and family members who were cheering, ap- 27-ct. indictment for man from town See SCHOOL, Page 3 by Gabe Donio G AZETTE S TAFF W RITER MAYS LANDING—An Atlantic County Grand Jury handed up a 27- count indictment against a Hammonton man for multiple drug charges, following the execution of a search warrant in March at his residence, At- lantic County Prosecutor Damon G. Tyner announced on June 12 in a press release. On March 29, the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office Gangs, Guns Starting the day with blueberries Bike path extension See INDICTMENT Page 2 THG/Joseph Bruno. To purchase photos in The Gazette, call (609) 704-1940. Peyton LeMunyon gives the camera a “thumbs up” during Hammonton High School graduation on June 19. project is stalled by Stephen Pistone G AZETTE S TAFF W RITER HAMMONTON—During the past two years, the town has been working towards a bicycle path extension project that will ultimately connect the existing path that runs parallel to Egg Harbor Road near Hammonton Lake Park with the New Jersey Transit station on Front Street. The town originally received about $230,000 from the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) to fund the cost of the project, according to town clerk Frank Zuber. The town CASA program aids foster children by Stephen Pistone G AZETTE S TAFF W RITER THG/Stephen Pistone. To purchase photos in The Gazette, call (609) 704-1940. Hammonton Kiwanis Club members (l-r) Michael Ryan, A.J. Mento, Michael Pasquarello and Jimmy Italiano prepared blueberry pancakes to begin the Red, White & Blueberry Festival on June 24. The annual event organized by the Greater Hammonton Chamber of Commerce was held on the grounds of Hammonton High School. Thousands of people packed the site for the 32nd annual festival. See Pages 33-44 for more photos and an article on the event. SUBSCRIBE TO The HAMMONTON—There are more than 1,000 children currently in foster care in Atlantic and Cape May counties, according to research conducted by the non- profit organization Court Appointed Special Advocates See BIKE, Page 8 (CASA) for Children of Atlantic and Cape Many Counties Inc. Many of these children suffer from neglect and abuse, and many remain in the foster care system for more than a year without a stable living situation. Fortunately, the National CASA Association oversees 951 community-based programs Gazette • $20 FOR 52 WEEKS • CALL 609-704-1939 See CASA, Page 10