The Hammonton Gazette 05/11/16 Edition

Read The Gazette! Here’s what you’ll be reading this week:

IN NEWS: The school budget and its accompanying 3.64-cent tax hike are passed by the board. AND: Cruisin' MainStreet brings cars, food and fun to downtown. PLUS: For the fourth year, more than 1,000 students from throughout the county come to Hammonton for the Atlantic County Teen Arts Festival.

IN OPINION: An editorial on the "living history" present at annual civic events. AND: Gabe Donio on the surprising Phillies.

IN ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT: Feature articles, a movie review, What's Hot, Mind Games, "Tinseltown Talks" and much more!

AND IN SPORTS: Dan Russoman and Kevin Troilo bring you all the sports action, from Hammonton and St. Joseph high schools to Little League to rec softball to the Phillies to fantasy baseball. AND REMEMBER: You can watch "Gazette Sports Week" 24/7 at or on the big TVs at Rocco's Town House, West End Grill and The Alley at DiDonato Family Fun Center.