The Hammonton Gazette 05/04/16 Edition | Page 2

Celebrating Mom! Read our new Wine, Beer & Spirits Section p. 23-26 p. 18-22 ‘Food Network Star’ returning this month p. 47 WATER BLDG. DEMOLISHED Wednesday, May 4, 2016 Volume 20 • Issue 18 by Gabe Donio GAzette StAFF Writer HAMMONtON—As the work by South Jersey Gas (SJG) to clean up contamination from a spill from a former manufactured gas plant (MGP) located beneath the ground at the Hammonton Water Department and Wawa on 12th Street continues, a garage building at the water department was completely demolished last week to make way for the remediation effort by the utility. A large Council awards $2.5M project bid by Tania Rivera GAzette StAFF Writer See WATER, Page 12 South Jersey Gas’ ‘Big Dig’ cleanup project continues For Valley Ave.; to begin in July HAMMONtON—Mathis Construction was awarded a bid contract for the Valley Avenue Project during the special meeting of town council on May 2. the 150-day project is slated to start early- to mid-July. “the Valley Avenue Project is water, sewer, roadway, curb to be considered from Bellevue through by Kevin Troilo Stockton’s campus opened in 2013 Kramer Hall’s impact on town GAzette StAFF Writer HAMMONtON—Stockton University’s Kramer Hall officially opened in downtown Hammonton during January of 2013. Prior to opening Kramer Hall, See COUNCIL, Page 12 Stockton utilized classroom space within St. Joseph High School. Having such a prestigious and recognizable name house one of its All smiles at the St. Joe Prom Electronic sign See STOCKTON, Page 14 THG/Gabe Donio. To purchase photos in The Gazette, call (609) 704-1940. There is now a large crane set up in the Wawa parking lot adjacent to the Hammonton Water Department. It is part of the South Jersey Gas remediation project. A water department building was demolished last week. OK’d by board by Kevin Troilo GAzette StAFF Writer HAMMONtON—the Hammonton zoning Board of Adjustment met on April 28 at town hall to listen to two separate requests for use variance. the meeting was led by board chairman Michael Messina. the first request was made by Marzilli Construction LLC, who was seeking a use variance to change existing signage to an electronic LeD message board for Block 4402, Lot 43.01, zone HB at 575 North White Horse Pike. Blue Mass honoring police, fire and EMS by Kevin Troilo GAzette StAFF Writer THG/Joseph Bruno. To purchase photos in The Gazette, call (609) 704-1940. Jack Gibison and Lucia Gardiner pose for a picture at the St. Joseph High School promenade before heading to their prom at The Palace in Blackwood. For more pictures, see Page 27 and 30. SUBSCRIBE TO The HAMMONtON—On Sunday, May 15 at 2 p.m., St. Joseph Church will host its first ever Blue Mass. the service will honor all local law enforcement officers, firefighters and members of emergency response teams for their See ZONING, Page 4 continued service. the idea to host the Blue Mass came from St. Mary of Mt. Carmel Parish Director of religious education Lori ScottoDiVetta. “Hammonton has never had a Blue Mass before. the only time we … i know that St. Nicholas in Atlantic City has one every year. My son used to go to one when he Gazette • $20 FOR 52 WEEKS • CALL 609-704-1939 See MASS, Page 10