Council receives $10,000 water conservation grant
Wednesday, March 19, 2014 • The Hammonton Gazette • Page 3
WATER, from Page 1
Conservation Tax Credit/Rebate
Program. Sustainable Jersey’s
Small Grants Program allows us,
and many other municipalities, to
continue to innovate despite continuing economic strictures on the
local level. Honestly, the entire
Sustainable Jersey regimen has
been a continuing source of
progress for our town environmentally, socially, and economically. It
has helped us keep our message of
revitalization fresh and current,
and has provided us with so many
ways to improve the quality of life
in Hammonton,” Mayor Stephen
DiDonato said.
The grant will provide funding
to assist the town in providing re-
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bates to residents who purchase
and install water-conserving appliances, devices, and technologies,
retroactive to January 1, 2014. In
December 2013, Hammonton
Town Council approved the ordinance creating the program. The
program is open to all households
in Hammonton, whether the home
uses the municipal water system or
a private well. Appliances must
bear either the Energy Star or
Water Sense label to qualify. More
detailed information regarding the
specific appliances that are included in the program can be obtained by contacting town hall or
visiting the town website at
According to Ordinance 292013, “Tax credits/rebates are
available only for those technologies, devices, and appliances that
carry the US EPA ‘Energy Star’ or
‘Water Sense’ labels, or are approved and endorsed as a bonafide water-saving technology by
the NJ Department of Environmental Protection through the Energy
Technology Verification Program
or its successor.” The ordinance
also states “No credits/rebates or
combination of credits/rebates
may surpass $100 per year.”
The ordinance also outlines
which items are acceptable at this
time. “Credits/Rebates will be
available as follows:
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1. $100 or 50 percent off the coming years,” Bachalis said.
purchase of a permanent, mechanAccording to Bachalis, there is
ical pool cover, whichever is less. at least $12,500 available for the
2. $50 for each Water Sense certi- program.
fied toilet. 3. $25 off or half the
“We will have a total of at least
purchase price of a rain sensor, $12,500 for the program through
whichever is less. 4. $100 off the September 2015: $10,000 from the
purchase of a water-smart lawn ir- grant and $2,500 from the town.
rigation system. 5. $75 for a high The Green Committee has also
efficiency (“HE”) clothes washer. committed $1,500, which will be
6. $50 for an Energy Star dish- used to help promote the program.
washer, and 7. $100 or 50 percent If demand exceeds available
of the purchase price of technolo- funds, we’ll have some choices
gies certified by the NJ DEP under and options to consider: if the
the Energy and Environmental town can afford to kick in more
Technology Verification Program, funds, I will advocate that we do
whichever is less. 8. The list of so. If we cannot, we’ll have to soqualifying credits/rebates may be licit funds from another source,”
expanded to include new technolo- Bach Ɨ26