The Hammonton Gazette 01/04/17 Edition | Page 5

Page 4 • Wednesday , January 4 , 2017 • The Hammonton Gazette

Supt . of schools Dr . Dan Blachford reflects on time at Hammonton

BLACHFORD , from Page 1 allow for a new perspective to lead and help
the district . “ The best amount of time ( a superintendent can serve ) would be somewhere between five and 10 years . I ’ ve been here eight years , and I think I worked hard every minute , but I do think getting someone else in may have a perspective that can help the district even progress more ,” Blachford said .
Blachford said the decision to leave was also influenced by the fact that creating a superintendent vacancy may result in two people moving up in the profession : an administrator being promoted to superintendent and a subsequent teacher moving up to administrator to fill in for the new superintendent .
The decision to leave was difficult for Blachford , but he said he is proud of many of the accomplishments the district has made under his leadership , such as the strong relationship between the Hammonton School District and the sending school districts of Waterford Twp . and Folsom ; the advancements made due to funding generated from the Interdistrict Public School Choice Program ( IPSCP ) and several key hires and promotions .
Blachford said out of all of the accomplishments made during his tenure , he is particularly proud of operating under the IPSCP . The IPSCP brings approximately 200 nondistrict students to the Hammonton School District per year and generates about $ 1.9 million in funding per year , according to Blachford .
A large majority of those funds have been used to fund curriculum improvements and the districts ’ technology , network capabilities and textbooks , Blachford said .
“ The Board of Education in Hammonton has really not bought many textbooks , Chromebooks , iPads , computers or network repairs in the last four years . We ’ ve been using that particular choice money to do that , and it has had a tremendous effect ,” Blachford said .
Blachford admitted that the district is relying on IPSCP money more than he feels is necessary and that he is concerned about what the district will do to fund essential areas after he leaves and the IPSCP is no longer in effect .
“ Right now , we are using more of the Choice money to offset taxes than I think is wise . I do not think the Choice Program is going to go

Conway heading to Washington

CONWAY , from Page 2 She is a tireless and tenacious advocate of my agenda and has amazing insights on how to effectively communicate our message . I am pleased that she will be part of my senior team in the West Wing ,” Presidentelect Trump said in the release .
Conway appeared in downtown Hammonton on December 10 when she was honored as the grand marshal of the Hammonton Fire Department Christmas Parade . According to the release , President-elect Trump ’ s victory on November 8 also shattered the glass ceiling for women . Conway is the first female campaign manager of either major party to win a presidential general election .
“ I want to thank the Presidentelect for this amazing opportunity . A Trump presidency will bring real change to Washington and to Americans across this great nation . I am humbled and honored to play a role in helping transform the movement he has led into a real agenda of action and results ,’ Conway said in the release .
Conway is the founder and owner of the polling company , inc ./ WomanTrend , a polling and research firm that has served leading political figures , nonprofits and companies for 21 years , the release said .
on forever , and I am worried that when I ’ m gone , they will need text books , Chromebooks or network improvements and they won ’ t have funds for that ,” Blachford said
Blachford said his time at the district also contained several low points , such as having to manage the effects of the state taking $ 1 million of the district ’ s money that was in construction reserves approximately six years ago . It was around that time the state also cut education funding , which resulted in several budget and personnel cuts needing to be made , which Blachford said was difficult .
“ We had the money in construction reserves and the government took a million dollars of that money for their particular budgeting . That was just terrible . In addition to that , they cut state funding . At that particular time , we did have to do a tremendous number of cuts . We moved a number of people — our custodians — from full-time to part -time , which is very harmful ,” Blachford said .
Personnel is an area of the district Blachford said he regards highly . He highlighted several personnel decisions made during his time , such as recommending Thomas Ramsay as Hammonton High School principal and hiring Michael Nolan as Hammonton Middle School principal .
“ There have been absolutely spectacular faculty members in Hammonton . I was here just about two weeks when I recommended Tom Ramsey to be High School principal . He has done an incredible job . Most districts across the country , you ’ re always worried about your high school . In Hammonton , you guys don ’ t worry about the high school . It ’ s one of the finest high schools in the state ... Then , I hired Mike Nolan . He has done a really , really good job at Hammonton Middle School . The firepower that Ramsey and Nolan both have is that they came in here after working with principals for a large number of years , and they had well-established plans of where they wanted to take the school over the next couple years ,” Blachford said .
Hiring Assistant Superintendent Robin Chieco is another decision Blachford celebrated .
“ Her depth of knowledge , energy and ability to translate theory into practice is outstanding ,” Blachford said about Chieco .
There may only be six months left in Blachford ’ s tenure as superintendent , but he said he intends on working hard until “ the very last minute .” One of the things Blachford said he would like to accomplish is finding a way to balance the high costs of health insurance with funding the district .
“ The cost of medical health insurance is very difficult . We pay a lot for medical insurance , the costs go up 15 to 18 percent a year , and it ’ s very , very difficult to fund a district with that . And so , hopefully , I can work on that ,” Blachford said .
Blachford said receiving more state funding would help alleviate this challenge and that he has and will continue to press for more funding from the state .
“ We are vastly underfunded by the state ; I will press to do that . I ’ ve asked various groups in Hammonton to just send e-mails to some of the political figures saying that Hammonton should be funded on an equal or appropriate level . We just have to get a number of people to do that , and I hope it happens ,” Blachford said .
When reflecting on the past eight years , Blachford acknowledged that his passion to better the academic environment for the district ’ s students sometimes led to him coming off as “ abrasive ” to his associates . However , he said he is grateful for their support and understanding of his intentions .
“ I ’ m also not the easiest person to get along with and the community has been extremely supportive , and they have forgiven me when I ’ ve been blunter than maybe I should have been and I really appreciate that … My desire to have kids learn a lot sometimes overrides basic politeness ,” Blachford said .
When asked what his plans for the future , Blachford was undecided in terms of employment but said he would love to remain in Hammonton , a community he became very fond of during his time as superintendent .
“ I really like the area . In terms of staying in Hammonton , I would love to do that . If I can pick up a job in a local college or university , or an even interim superintendent , that would be good . It is just an absolutely fantastic area ,” Blachford said .