pg. 2
The Gulf Coast Voice • September-27- October 4, , 2017
Don’t stop, keep pushing..God Got you!
Don’t stop, solution, at least temporarily.
keep push-
To most people the answer you receive
i n g . . G o d from them, when you’re confiding in them that
Got you!
you have no more fuel, no more get up a nd go, or
no more drive left, is to just “Keep on Pushing”.
When life To say Keep Pushing is a way of encouraging you
has gotten to not lose focus. You have to admit it is hard to
the best of maintain focus when church and home life have
you and it become unbearable with the demands of every
seems as if ounce of strength you are able to offer. Today as
nothing is you look in the mirror, remind yourself that you
going the once was happy being a mother, wife, caregiver,
way you pastor, preacher, teacher and friend. You lived
envisioned for it. Your eyesight could never foresee a life
it, you begin without it. It’s refueling refocusing time.
to question
As humans, You are made up of two parts,
your very the natural man and the Spirit man. How often
existence. do you feed the natural man while your Spirit
Minister Heidi J
The question man is screaming for someone or something
is what do you to throw out a life line and resuscitate what is
do when you have no more fuel? You know, trying to die? Just like a child jumping up and
the fuel that help you wake up in the morning, down wanting to be picked in a game of kickball,
eager to work and move in the calling God has can you hear your Spirit man trying to get your
for you or just that fuel to push you to be the attention? Now that you have heard the cry of
best you! If you’re honest, sometimes you want your spirit, it’s time you do something about
to give up. Whether it is the ministry in you, a it. You have to change what is on your mind.
relationship, a job, family issues, ect, that feeling Where is your focus? What are the things that
of just throwing in the towel seems like a great are keeping you up at night? Colossians 3:2 “Set your mind on things that are above, not on
things that are on earth. “
When you stay focused on the right stuff
it is easier to have a balanced life. The things
above are the things that are of Heaven. Now
don’t get scared. ( lol) What the Apostle Paul
is saying in the book of Colossians is to have a
heavenly mindset. When Colossians tells you
“Not to set your mind on things of the earth,” it
is simply telling you not to be consumed with
the things of the world; gaining wealth, honor
of this world and the many lustful pleasures.
You can do it! Romans 8:6 says “For to set the
mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind
on the Spirit is life and peace.”
Letting go of unnecessary things in your
life and turning your focus back to the things
of God will be a vehicle for you to regain fuel
to keep pushing in this thing we call life! When
you’re feeling overwhelmed, remember you are
not alone. You are God’s child. He sees and cares
for what you are going through. My sister, my
brother, the next time life is gets the best of you
pray and ask your heavenly father for exactly
what is needed. He did it before and He will do
it again. Trust him. Help is on the way!
it took much more than a phone call. I had to
produce three different documents - including
my birth certificate. Fortunately, I was able to
locate them with no difficulty. Birth certificates
are critical when we need to prove our identity.
But a birth certificate that says we are heav-
en-born and heaven-bound is certainly more
important. In Psalm 87:6 we read that “The Lord
will write in the register of the peoples this one
was born in Zion” -referring to the community
Not long ago I lost my billfold and all of its of believers - which for us is Heaven.
contents. It was simple to call the bank that is-
After dark one night a religious leader named
sued me my credit card and ask them to cancel Nicodemus went to visit Jesus. As their conver-
it. But when I went to get a new driver’s license sation unfolded Jesus said, “No one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again.”
“Nicodemus,” Jesus said, “your earthly birth
record will not allow you entrance to heaven.
You need a birth certificate that has been issued
by God!”
When we are born the first time, we are born
into an “earthly family” because we have an
“earthly father.” It is only when we are born a
second time - “born again” -by accepting Christ
as our Savior that we are assured of “seeing” the
Kingdom of God. “I am the Way,” said Jesus,
“if You want to be a citizen in My Kingdom.”
Visit us at:
Seeds of Hope
ReImagine brings Outreach continued from pg 1
was also there to offer their services and
teach young and old how to fish. They
also gave out fishing rods to some of the
lucky attendees.
Since 2008, Reimagine Pensacola has
ReImagine Montclaire
been going into lower income communities
and giving them a day of hope to communities. The idea came to fruition
when Linda English was presented with a question “What do we do for our
community?” So, from there Linda English started the conversation with
her husband and got a napkin and wrote down the things they would
need to get Reimagine started. With no sponsorship, only donations,
as a nonprofit, and many, many Reimagine events later the faith filled
organization continues to grow and help other communities not only with
clothes and food but also getting them more interested in the faith of God.
The Gantt Report
By Lucius Gantt
I have been a victim of
police brutality, false arrest,
excessive and wrongful
prosecution and a variety of
other injustices in my life.
I learned about the
importance of protesting
about injustice at a very
early age. I learned that
dissent, disagreement and
Lucius Gantt
honorable and peaceful dis-
obedience is a right and not a privilege.
It felt good to see athletes, musicians and
even some children initiate increased protests
recently after President Donald Trump’s divisive
comments about protests inspired by quarterback
Colin Kaepernick’s decisions to kneel during
the playing of National Football League games.
I don’t care how you protest on your job, at
your school, at your church, in your community
or in your life but you must protest and you must
resist evil in government, in politics, in the court
system, in the judicial system and everywhere
else that evil comments and actions exist!
Personally, I don’t march, I don’t kneel down
and I don’t bow down but that is just me and my
way to protest may not be the best way for you.
I resist and I, when necessary, rebel!
What bothers me right now is not patriotism,
not the flag and not the national anthem.
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I am protesting the way the United States
government is handling the plights of Black and
Hispanic residents in Puerto Rico and the Virgin
Islands who have no homes, no shelter, no power,
little food and very little water after the islands
were devastated by Hurricane aria!
Are the islanders being ignored and mis-
treated because of their skin color and ancestry?
If the islands were heavily inhabited by white
supremacists and neo-nazis would more planes
be sent there instead of to the air space near
North Korea?
Many of the readers and supporters of The
Gantt Report are people of color and they should
have some idea how they got where they are.
Black people had to protest, and in many
cases, rebel, to stop slavery. They had to protest
to get the right to work, to vote, to get educations,
to ride public transportation and even to sit and
eat at white owned lunch counters.
You have to protest!
People that don’t protest usually don’t teach
their children to protest. They also demean, dispar-
age and disrespect people in the community that
do stand up, speak out and take part in protests.
But oh, when they get fired, when they
can’t vote, when they get brutalized or they get
mistreated, they want to run to the protestors.
They run to The NAACP. They run to SCLC.
They run to the Nation of Islam. They run to the
United Nations or the World Court in Holland.
Proud Member of
Southeast African
The Gulf Coast Voice, Inc is a weekly periodical lo-
cated at 213 E. Yonge St., Pensacola, FL 32503. Peri-
odical Postage Paid at Pensacola, FL POSTMASTER.
Pub.# 351070. Send Address changes to 213 East
Yonge St., Pensacola, FL 32503. Phone: (850) 434-
6963 Fax: (850) 469-8745. Email: info@gulfcoast-
They run to Black media outlets. They will even
run to you and me.
“Lucius”, they ask, “they won’t let me play
football. Can you write an article about that for
Well, is there something else good people
can do beside kneel down and use a fake name
on social media to post something in secret?
Why not call for a recall of any devils in
politics that call Black mothers dogs and those
that want to take health care coverage from Amer-
ica’s poorest citizens? You don’t have to wait for
Republicans in Congress to file impeachment
bills, you can work for a recall right now.
You can petition to recall sheet-wearing cone
heads that bomb churches and burn crosses.
You can also boycott businesses that support
government devils if you can do without your
smart phones, leased cars, luxury handbags and
red bottom shoes!
You can teach your children to fight for
what is right!
The main thing you can do is unite, protest
and resist! (Buy Gantt’s latest book, “Beast
Too: Dead Man Writing” on and
from bookstores everywhere. Contact Lucius at And, if you want
to,“Like” The Gantt Report page on Facebook.)
Jacqueline Miles - Publisher/Editor; Nicole Dixon Graphic
Designer/Web Designer/Newspaper; - Tony McCray -CJ Davis-
Contributing Writer,
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