the guide Summer 2017 | Page 15

ARTS | D ICK I N STIT U T E Seiseanan Ealain Lèirsinneach ann an Gàidhlig A Wooded Land SAT 13 MAY - SAT 26 AUG NORTH MUSEUM Ayrshire, along with most of Scotland’s landscape, was at one time dominated by woodland. The activities of the earliest humans to live here began a process which was to significantly reduce this woodland coverage. By the eighteenth century, Ayrshire was to a great extent a treeless environment. The determination of landowners to reverse this decline and improve the productivity of their properties led to planting which through time, produced the landscape which we recognise today. Trees enhance our surroundings and confer environmental benefits. Beyond this, there is a story to be told as to how trees throughout history have provided us with useful raw materials, being exploited as a fuel, serving as structures for our buildings and being crafted into many everyday objects. This exhibition features paintings and artefacts from our own collection which reflect our relationship with our wooded landscape. AON DIARDAOIN GACH MÌOS: 25 CÈITEAN, 22 ÒGMHIOS, 20 IUCHAR · 24 LÙNASTAL 2017 · 6F-7.30F · AOIS 14+ Feumaidh sibh àite a ghleidheadh ro-làimh. Tha Institiùd Dick air leth toilichte a bhith a’ cur air bhonn a’ chiad phrògram a-riamh de bhùithtean-obrach ealain lèirsinneach is thachartasan ann an Gàidhlig. Tha na clasaichean a’ ruith uair sa mhìos gu an Dùbhlachd, bidh na seiseanan a’ dèiligeadh le cuspairean an taobh a-staigh prògram nan taisbeanaidhean caochlaideach. Bidh na bùithtean-obrach a’ coimhead ri measgachadh de chruthan ealain, a’ sgrùdadh mhodhan-obrach agus raon de mheadhanan, a’ gabhail a-steach tarraing, peantadh agus clò-bhualadh dhealbhan. Airson àite a ghleidheadh, cuiribh fios gu Gailearaidh Institiùd Dick air 01563 554343 no air post-d gu: john.mckissock@east- Ayrshire College Graduate Show FRI 16 JUN - THU 14 SEP YOUNG PEOPLE’S GALLERY Featuring a range of specially selected creative work from a variety of disciplines that have been developed and produced by students of Art and Design at Ayrshire College. The exhibition will be an opportunity for the students to showcase their work to a local audience, before they apply to art schools around the country. 15