Just like the preferences of the general majority, North Korea does not seem to protect the Human Rights of their people: particularly the rights of the North Korean women. Surprisingly, however, during the Kim Il Sung dynasty, Kim publicly vowed to encourage the equality for women, further stating that the women were the “powerful driving force” of the nation. Yet, this promise was never kept. Instead, the voices of the North Korean women were soon masked by the boisterous propaganda of Kim Il Sung’s birthday parade. Like this,
in reality, women in North Korea experience not only discrimination but gender inequality within their daily lives.
If we look closer into North Korea, the exploitation is actually deeply rooted within its culture. As a highly patriarchal nation, North Korea generally surmises women’s submission to men. In fact, gender roles are very prominent. Women were assumed to stay within their kitchen boundaries, as men were expected to work every day. Thus, it was the women’s job to take responsibility and care of everything inside the house.
Women in North korea
by Jasmine Chang