The Grit — WINTER 2023 | Page 11

Pay attention , this will be in the exam
Graziers enjoy chance to tour meatworks
Go to the Australian Rangelands Conference
Around the ridges

THE grit

Pay attention , this will be in the exam

Dogs and their owners were put through their paces at a working dog training school . Take a squizz at the cracker shots taken at the event .

Graziers enjoy chance to tour meatworks

A group of Burdekin graziers had an opportunity to learn more about the other side of the beef supply chain during a visit to JBS Meatworks and Reid River Export Depot .

Go to the Australian Rangelands Conference

NQ Dry Tropics will subsidise Burdekin graziers to attend the Australian Rangelands Conference . The conference is being held in Broome on 18 – 22 September .
Grit Issue 28 , Winter 2023 , June | P11