The Grit — WINTER 2023 | Page 10

Around the ridges National Soils Advocate visits the Burdekin
Wrapping up the Brigalow project
Graziers club together against feral pigs

Around the ridges National Soils Advocate visits the Burdekin

NQ Dry Tropics recently welcomed National Soils Advocate , the Honourable Penny Wensley , to the Burdekin .

Wrapping up the Brigalow project

Graziers in the Northern Brigalow Belt region , near Mt Coolon , Glenden and Moranbah , have been working to improve the condition and extent of small remnant brigalow patches , with the grazing enterprise in mind .

Graziers club together against feral pigs

Landholders from Alpha and Clermont have formed feral pig cluster groups as pig numbers and control costs surge .
P10 | Grit Issue 28 , Winter 2023 , June