The Grit - June, 2024 | Page 10

Herding Change project ends with Soil

During the Soil Health workshop at Crossroads Station , Giru , Amazing Carbon principal Dr Christine Jones outlines reasons why graziers should be focused on the health of their soil .
Graziers in the Coastal , Upper and East Burdekin region have completed a three-year project implementing land management changes to maintain end-of-dry season groundcover and reduce erosion and fine sediment run-off .
To celebrate , a group of participants attended a soil health workshop with internationally renowned soil ecologist Dr Christine Jones , visited the Australian Institute of Marine Science ( AIMS ) and had dinner at the Townsville Yacht Club . Click here to see the photos and learn more about the project successes .
Dr Christine Jones is flanked by Tina Sutton , left , and Rebecca Rendalls , host of the soil health workshop held at Crossroads , Giru .
P10 P10 | Grit | Grit Issue 31 31 , June , , 2024 ,