The Grit January 2019 | Page 3

Lisa joins the LDC team in Bowen Q Dry Tropics’ Lisa Hutchinson is N joining the LDC team as a Senior Project Officer. Lisa’s strong connections with the BBB grazing community along with her extensive experience in the agriculture industry, will add immediate value to the team. We’re glad she is aboard. Soil the groundwork for good grazing ffective management of soils and pastures E agricultural is fundamental to the productivity of the industry and the health of the environment. Soil health and pasture quality affect grazing production, vegetative cover and the quality of water run-off into watercourses. Five activity areas in the LDC project are five activity areas in the T HERE Landholders Driving Change Project: l BBB Grazier Support; l Landscape Remediation; l Influencing Other Land Managers; l Exploring New Incentives, and; l Policy Engagement. LANDHOLDERS DRIVING CHANGE BURDEKIN MAJOR INTEGRATED PROJECT L ANDHOLDERS Driving Change is a Burdekin Major Integrated Project funded by the Queensland Government through the Queensland Reef Water Quality Program. Grit, Issue 8, January, 2019 | P3