The Grit January 2019 | Page 2

Exploring New Incentives report he LDC project is trialling different T approaches to encourage practice adoption on-ground, and to ensure long term support for landholders in the BBB. The project panel is currently considering recommendations to adopt. Opportunities for on-ground works RAZING practice change is G central to the Landholders Driving Change (LDC) project because it is the proven most cost-effective way of improving water quality. Graziers can adopt a wide range of activities to help meet water quality targets. Suite of training opportunities for graziers HE LDC team has put together T a suite of training opportunities that could be useful for graziers in the BBB. It is not a complete list, and if you’re interested in a particular area of training, and it doesn’t appear here, please contact the Bowen-based grazing team. The Bowen-based LDC project support team Land Management Support Coordinator Rodger Walker - 0408 828 276 Senior Field Officer Brendan Smith - 0417 408 587 Landscape Remediation Officer Matt Miles - 0401 552 992 Senior Field Officer Adrienne Hall - 0428 158 859 Senior Project Officer Lisa Hutchinson - 0427 594 192 P2 | Grit Issue 8, January, 2019