The Greenstone Guide September 2017 | Page 11

Greenstone education | 11 child is struggling in class. The teacher might suggest that your child be assessed by an occupational therapist. Some schools have a particular therapist that comes to the school. There will usually be a fee involved that can be claimed from your medical aid scheme if you have one. Alternatively, the teacher might ask the Education Department’s psychologist to do an assessment. This can sometimes mean a long wait. You are welcome to consult a private therapist or psychologist at your own expense. How can I build confidence in my child? The start of a new school term or year can hold a mixture of emotions for many children: the excitement of seeing old friends, having new stationery and uniform, moving onto a new class and of coping with new teachers, subjects and timetable changes. For children who are repeating a grade, the new year can bring a slightly different set of feelings: sadness at a sense of having ‘failed’, of being left behind, their friends moving on without them. These children need lots of encouragement and positive reinforcement. Repeating should not be viewed as ‘failure’ but as a chance to get a firmer grasp of difficult concepts. Try to: allow them time to settl