The Grapevine Winter 2019/2020 Grapevine Dec-Jan 2029 v3 | Page 11

Expectation - Everyone is always after the quick fix - which works, temporarily. Reality - You've probably been there, follow the quick fix, the FAD diet, the latest 'lose 14 stone in a day' miracle! And then end up gaining all the weight back on again - if not more once you're done. FAD diets do work, they're designed to. But they put you in such a low calorie deficit and are super restrictive that it is impossible to sustain long term. So then once you go back to your old eating habits (typically unhealthy ones too) you then gain all the weight back on again and more! Expectation - If you don’t follow a plan 100% you will fail. Reality - You didn't gain weight or get fat by eating 1 pizza, just like you're not going to lose weight and get in shape by eating 1 salad. We follow the 90-10 or 80-20 rule - which means if you go off track, it’s ok. We encourage our members to enjoy the food/ drink they love - but also account for it. Reality- You can still drink alcohol when working towards your health and fitness goals, if it’s within your calorie allowance, however not something you want to be consuming on a regular basis. I’d rather eat my calories than drink them - but that's totally individual. Expectation - "I can do this on my own - I don't need any support from anyone else/professionals" Reality - You can get results on your own, do the research, create a training plan, experiment with your nutrition - but why not make it easier for yourself, get help from the experts and join a group of people all there to support each other. That's where we have found people get the BEST results. Joining a group of like minded people all wanting to support and motivate each other to get the best results possible on their fitness journey. Make sure they're still eating within their calorie target and their goals to make sure they stay on track. They also have all the tools and knowledge to get them straight back on track - and we're always there to offer motivation if they're struggling to do so. Expectation - "I eat ‘healthy’ Monday- Friday, but have a few drinks, takeaways and meals out at the weekend, why aren't I seeing results?" Reality - These people will probably be eating in a calorie deficit Monday- Friday - but then going over that and probably eating their weeks worth of calories in two days at the weekend. If you can track your calories, you can still have the foods/drink that you enjoy without taking you over your calorie consumption which ultimately will help you stay on track to getting results. We also encourage our members to 'bank' calories. So, if they're eating in a big enough calorie deficit during the week, it gives them that little bit extra to play with at the weekend, if that's when they typically go out, socialise etc. Expectation - "When you're on a diet you can't drink and have to be boring" The Grapevine I’d just like to take this opportunity to say ‘Thank You’ to everyone that regularly reads these articles and for the lovely comments and messages of how much you enjoy reading them. I’d also like to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and I hope you have a very Happy and Healthy 2020. For more information on the services we provide, or if you’d like to take part in our next 6 week transformation, then please take a look at our website or email amy@ and I’ll be more than happy to help. 11