The Grapevine Early Spring 2020 Grapevine Feb-Mar 2020 v1 | Page 43

takes you much longer to recover this time. 3. You can back off a little and analyse the situation This is by far and away the hardest to do, because it feels so wrong! This requires you to take a step back and dare I say it ... use a common sense approach! This approach means that you ACCEPT that you cannot always be on your game and there are times when things go wrong. And this can also be for a prolonged period. You also accept that there are times when there is so much going on in your life that you simply need to divert attention elsewhere. Now that doesn’t mean that you quit things or give them up. It simply means that you don’t go as hard, or as fast or expect as good results, or that you accept that you will not advance with your results at all in this time, other than to MAINTAIN where you currently are. down the slope back to the bottom of your rut. So how do you do this I hear you ask? Here’s what to do to climb out of your rut: 1. Recognise when it’s time to back off t You stop, take stock of the situation and you look for the signs: 3. Accept that progress will be super slow or non-existent and stick to the plan t You set yourself some goals outside of your health and fitness progression t You look to sort out the issues in your life that are burdening you currently t Increased Fatigue t You accept that there will always be peaks and troughs t Building Stress Levels t You stick to the basics t You find it hard to find time to do the things you need to t You learn to enjoy yourself again t Your enthusiasm levels are down And that’s it ... sounds super simple, right? Almost too simple to be fair. And that’s why you will dismiss it and feel as though it won’t work. t You feel like giving up and you’re wondering what’s the point t When you recognise these symptoms in yourself, you need to… 2. Go back to basics to get out of And if you can do this, then you the rut need never go backward again, or t You go back to the information feel the need to start all over again, that you know and you read because this means that you are and re-read it so that you are able to keep going at a pace that fully aware of the basics that suits you, whilst allowing you to do work other things or to divert your t You turn up train and then attention elsewhere. get out again It doesn’t mean giving up. It doesn’t t You put in the effort it needs mean stopping. It doesn’t mean to get it done and not much feeling sorry for yourself. Or more blaming external things for your results. t You follow simple nutrition principles It may mean running on the spot t You plan and prepare to for a short time, but at least you are ensure you can stick to it not going backward, or sliding The Grapevine t And when you have gone back to the basics and And you will likely make choice number 1 and/or number 2 instead of number 3. But I’m here to tell you that choice number 3 is the way to go.. To get out of that rut… All you have to do is believe in it. And believe in YOURSELF! So what’s it going to be? The choice is yours… For more information on the services we provide, or if you’d like to take part in our next 6 week transformation, then please take a look at our website www. or email amy@ and I’ll be more than happy to help. 43