The Grapevine Early Spring 2020 Grapevine Feb-Mar 2020 v1 | Page 42

Are you stuck in a rut? D on’t worry, it happens to us all. I have been there myself recently, and so have many of our members at times. arrive. Because arrive they will, and your choice at that time will determine how you go forward, or in some cases, go backward! It’s not always like this. At times, things seem to go swimmingly well. Results come fairly easy, the food side of things is a breeze and you have so much energy. The way I see it is you have a few choices. These moments are great and I suggest you ride the waves for as long as you can, but more importantly, you celebrate these moments and make the most of them. BUT! You also get those times when everything is difficult. When life seems like a struggle, you have zero energy, no time and you feel as though you’ve lost your mojo, and you just feel like you’re traveling around in circles and stuck in that rut, unable to get out. It would be just as easy to give up. Now, this may seem a little black and white, but I like to keep things simple! So here’s my very simplistic view on the choices you have: 1. You can give up and stay in the rut I think we’ve all been here. Life gets tough, everything becomes a chore and we give up on that thing we’ve been working on. With health and fitness, this tends to be the exercise regime or the healthy eating plan. At some point, when the going gets tough, we simply think: ‘What’s the point anyway’? And thus we start again ... over and over again! 2. You can dig deep and try harder This is the polar opposite of giving up. You’re so determined this time that you are willing to fight ALL the problems that you face. You work harder, you get up earlier, you go to bed later, you skip meals so you can get more into your day. And for a short period of time this seems to work, but then, at some point, you start to feel the strain The weight of your efforts starts to take its toll and things just get worse. You start to lose your motivation, your results start to stall, your stress levels increase and you get angry and irritable at the smallest of things. Does this sound familiar? I know I have been here so many times! And it’s only when the dust And what happens next is that settles and we realise the Sound familiar? Then join the club! you give up! You end up back at damage that has been done, the start or worse, even further You’re not alone. You aren't the that we understand how much back and because you have put first and you certainly won’t be the we have slipped backward and in so much energy and resources last! What’s important is how you how much effort it will take to into carrying on, that you find it act when these difficult times get back to where we were. To advertise call 01684 833715 or email: [email protected] 42