The Grapevine Early Spring 2020 Grapevine Feb-Mar 2020 v1 | Page 39

Your dog’s holiday starts here       Devoted to dogs since 2000 r Foreve Sandie Davis CHARTERED PHYSIOTHERAPIST MEMBER OF THE HEALTH PROFESSIONS COUNCIL ACUPUNCTURE ASSOCIATION OF CHARTERED PHYSIOTHERAPISTS Telephone No: 01386 304653 Mobile No: 07930 162546 Baker’s Arcade, Pershore, WR10 1DP www.sandiedavisphysiotherap\ Early assessment and treatment can lead to a quick recovery! Recognised by most main insurance providers. We provide loving home from home holiday care for your dog. Everything is arranged, overseen and supported locally by our friendly dog care professionals. We're the experts at making your dog feel at home. 01905 700722 )$%8/2866(/(&7,212))227:($5 )5207+(/($',1*%5$1'6 )25$//7+()$0,/< MOST STYLES IN FULL AND HALF SIZES ~ SIZE 3 - 8 LADIES & SIZE 6 - 12 MENS &KLOGUHQV PDLQ¿WWLQJFHQWUHLQWKHDUHDIRUERWK&/$5.6 67$575,7(DW5HGGLWFK Our Alcester shop also has a large selection OUR STOW SHOP SPECIALISES IN LADIES & MENS FOOTWEAR Owned and run by a local family BRANDS INCLUDE: CLARKS, ECCO, RIEKER, HOTTER, LOTUS, LELLI KELLY, ROHDE, GABOR, ANATOMIC, LOAKE, BARKER, START-RITE, GEOX, MERRELL, SKECHERS, SEBAGO, VAN-DAL, EQUITY, TAMARIS, TIMBERLAND ~ HANDBAGS BY RADLEY & TULA KINGFISHER CENTRE, REDDITCH - REDDITCH Tel: 01527 62416 HIGH STREET, ALCESTER 4 PARK STREET, STOW-ON-THE-WOLD The Grapevine 39