The Grape Vine Summer Holidays 2014 | Page 9

HoW to Survive...

Have you ever wondered if you would survive a zombie apocalypse? Have you taken an online quiz and failed? Here is your solution. A guide on everything you will need to know about escape, living in the wilds and zombies in general.

Go Bag

First of all make sure you have a go bag. This is when you have a bag ready so you can go, hence the word ‘go’. In this bag it should contain: canned food, energy bars, filled water bottle, flashlight with extra batteries, first aid kit, matches, pocket knife, iodine, paper for messages (toilet paper too), fully charged phone, passport, money, gun (the person), toiletries, rain coat, warm jumper, sunscreen, mosquito spray.

Where to Hide

Have a hide out with extra supplies in case of emergency. When you are trying to find a hide out never go to places like the hospital or shopping malls. They contain many windows and entrances - it will be hard to secure. However do make sure this place is up high like an apartment so that you can bar the windows and knock down the stairs so the zombies cannot reach you.

Combat Fighting

Before it’s too late, learn combat techniques and make sure you have weapons prepared. You need to make sure you can decapitate a zombie; once a zombie is decapitated it is dead forever. A crossbow or hand bow will be helpful; also any sort of firearm will work (flamethrowers and blowtorches). These combat skills will also be useful in everyday life if you get kidnapped, robbed, attacked or you just get really mad at someone.

No Sympathy

When you come into close contact with a zombie remember they want to kill you and don’t ever feel bad about killing them. Also note that they are extremely slow and it is better to run than to fight even if you are trained in combat.

Zombie Encyclopedia

To survive you need to know your zombies. There are several different types of zombies, according to experts. There is the Voodoo zombie; these are reanimated corpses controlled by a voodoo master. A natural zombie is a person drained of his soul to obey a master. This type might try to kill you, but it won't eat you. The traditional zombies may move slower but still enjoy cannibalism. If you run in to a "Hollywood" zombie your best bet is to hide, these have the ability to sprint, climb walls and leap over trees!

I hope these tips will help you survive in normal life and during a zombie attack if you are in need of any further information then read "The Zombie Survival Guide".


[ by Jade and Eliza ]