The Grape Vine Summer Holidays 2014 | Page 8

There is something about Arnold Schwarzenegger that is captivating, hilarious, and intense at the same time. Based on Phillip K. Dick’s book, “We Will Remember It For You Wholesale”, “Total Recall” is one of those few Arnie movies that is able to thrill and entertain, whilst also making you think a little bit. Filled to the brim with quotable lines (“Give these people air!” “See you at the party, Richter!” “I got five kids to feed!” “If I’m not me, then who the hell am I?”), this movie tells the story of a future society where there is a shady place that helps to implant fake memories, and may in fact reveal hidden ones.

Number 2:


Terry Gilliam is one of the best visual directors ever, and that shows in this brilliant time travel drama starring Bruce Willis as a convict in a post-apocalyptic future, who is sent back in time to find information on the virus that wiped out roughly 99% of humanity. Along the way, he falls in love with a doctor (Madeline Stowe), and is forced to confront a mental patient (Brad Pitt), who may very well have had something to do with the destruction of the world. Beautiful visuals, knockout performances, and an intriguing psychologically complex script make this movie number one on my list.

Number 1:


Any movies you think I should have included? Anything you disagree with? Well, become a writer and write your own article:)

- Johnny Mocny