When Should I Start Getting Mammograms?
Other than skin cancer, breast
cancer is the most common
cancer among American wom-
en. Mammograms are the best
way to find breast cancer early,
when it is easier to treat and
before it is big enough to feel
or cause symptoms.
What Are the Symptoms?
There are different symptoms
of breast cancer, and some
people have no symptoms at
Symptoms can include—
Any change in the size or the
shape of the breast.
Pain in any area of the breast.
Nipple discharge other than
breast milk (including blood).
A new lump in the breast or
underarm. If you have any
signs that worry you, see your
doctor right away.
Powered by CDC: Screen Out
Cancer - National Breast and
Cervical Cancer Early Detec-
tion Program
Are you worried about the
cost? CDC offers free or low-
cost mammograms. Find out if
you qualify.
How Can I Lower My Risk?
Some main factors that influ-
ence your risk for breast can-
cer include—
Being a woman.
Being older (most breast can-
cers are found in women who
are 50 years old or older).
Having changes in your BRCA1
or BRCA2 genes.
Most women who get breast
cancer have no known risk
factors and no history of the
disease in their families. There
are things you can do to help
lower your breast cancer risk.
Although breast cancer
screening cannot prevent
breast cancer, it can help find
breast cancer early, when it
is easier to treat. Talk to your
doctor about breast cancer