The Gospel Truth Magazine October 2019 | Página 3

You and me against the world: My Father, Over the years as I have heard this phrase and the subsequent song, I have always related it to my love for my son. Today, however, I see it in a different light. It is only You that I need by my side as I navigate this life You have blessed me with. The world is not always kind, loving and forgiving, but You are. I thank You Father for being a rock and a stabilizing force in my life. I am comforted by thoughts of how You fill my heart with love and light. I thank You for my son who blesses my soul with his kindness and consideration. He truly is a gift from You. It is my prayer Father that we greet each day with a sense of joy and thanksgiving, knowing that it too is a gift from You. You are such a masterful and awesome God. I am emotionally overwhelmed as I think of the vastness and diversity of this world You have created. You have been so generous that we take it for granted. We are like little children in a candy store....more, more, more! Sandy Walker, Publisher I live each day fully aware that the rising of the sun is a wonderfully blessed experience that only You can gift to me. It is a simple thing and yet one of the most powerful expressions of Your might. The sun will rise tomorrow and it will be You and me against the world. -- AMEN PUBLISHER Sandy Walker ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Sommer W. Davis EDITOR Jamil Rivers CIRCULATION MANAGER Robert Walker MEDIA CONSULTANT Betty Davis CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Moderator Johnny L. Barber Anika Madison The Gospel Truth Magazine 11285 SW 211th St. Suite 203 Cutler Bay, FL 33189 (786)295-5596 | [email protected] THE GOSPEL TRUTH COVER PACKAGE The Gospel Truth Magazine provides excellent exposure for your business, organization, church, or ministry. Publisher’s Prayer Sandy Walker 'BUIFSJOUIF/BNFPG+FTVT 0OUIJTCMFTTFEEBZ*IPOPS:PVJOBMMPG :PVSHSFBUOFTTBOENBHOJGJDFODF *UIBOL:PV'BUIFSGPSBMMUIBU:PVBSFUP NF#FDBVTFPG:PV*BNBCMFUPFOEVSF UIFDIBMMFOHFTPGUIJTMJGF#FDBVTFPG :PV*IBWFIPQFFBDIBOEFWFSZEBZ 'BUIFS*UIBOL:PVGPSCFJOHXJUINF *ONZRVJFUUJNFT*TFFL:PV*ONZ My Father, My God: Father, in the Name of Jesus: UJNFTPGJMMOFTT*SFMZPO:PV*ONZ UJNFTPGEPVCU*SFNFNCFSZPV*ONZ All is well with my soul as I focus my attention UJNFTPGXFBLOFTT*EFQFOEPO:PV I am eternally for the as love You continue solely on You. grateful I am thankful I breathe the air to -PSE*BNUIBOLGVMUIBU:PVBSFUIFSFGPS bestow upon me. You love me unconditionally with You so graciously provide to me each day. How NFFWFSZTUFQPGUIFXBZ all of my issues and all of my faults. You love me, wonderful it is to be Your child. How wonderful Father, in spite of myself. I thank You for being with -PSE*QSBZUPEBZGPSUIPTFXIPIBWF it me is to know that are in charge. I am thank- always. I am You comforted by the knowledge that SFBDIFEUIFNJMFTUPOFPGHSBEVBUJPOBU ful Dear for every the blessings to You are Lord with me moment of You my continue life. EJGGFSFOUMFWFMTJOUIFJSMJWFT5IJTUJNF bestow. Father I know that I am in no way worthy PGZFBSXFTFFLJOEFSHBSUOFSTKVTU as I You navigate wonderful journey I of Lord all that give this to me. You give me called peace life and TUBSUJOHPVU BOEDPMMFHFHSBEVBUFT am eternally thankful for the love you continue to sur- GJOJTIJOHVQBMPOHFEVDBUJPOBMKPVSOFZ love. You give me food to nourish my body. You round me with. I am thankful for the love and support #MFTTUIFNBMMBTUIFZTFFLUPGJOEUIFJS give me all that I need to survive. Your blessings of my amazing family. There is nothing I have done XBZ-PSE*QSBZBMTPGPSUIF'BUIFST are so much as You place You the right or could ever appreciated do to earn the blessings continue XIPXJMMCFIPOPSFECZUIFJSGBNJMJFT people in my life and in my path each day. I know to bestow upon me. Father I pray to be a blessing to *QSBZUIBU:PVXJMMHJWFFBDINBOUIF others as you so generously bless me. You, my Lord Father that You are also placing me in the path of TUSFOHUI BCJMJUZBOEXJMMUPCFBHPPE are so so worthy be praised. MPWJOHQSPWJEFSBTUIFZMFBEUIFJS others that I to might do Your will in being a bless- GBNJMJFTBOEUIFJSDIJMESFOUP:PV ing as well. Keep my eyes open, Dear Lord, so Father I pray for peace during these uncertain times. that I might see those in need. As much as we try to figure it all out, Lord You already .Z-PSE NZ(PE NZ)PMZ3FEFFNFS  know. When I find myself pondering the circumstanc- :PVBSFTPXPSUIZUPCFQSBJTFE.Z 14707 S. Dixie Hwy, Suite 101 Cover Story photos by Gregory Reed