The Gospel Truth Magazine March 2019 | Page 9

The earth is the Lords, and the fullness thereof, the world, and they that dwell therein. (Psalms 24:1 KJV). The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine, saith the Lord of hosts. (Haggai 2:8 NKJV). You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. (1 Corinthians 19b, 20a NLT). And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth…(Deuteronomy 8:18 NKJV). And if you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches of heaven? And if you are not faithful with other people’s money, why should you be trusted with money of your own? (Luke 16:11-12 NLT) STEP ONE. Develop your Blue-Print. Your blueprint is your ‘Get out of debt’ road-map. It is your plan for financial success. “People don’t plan to fail they fail to plan.” Trying to navigate without a financial plan is likened to throwing darts in the dark blind folded − hoping to hit the bullseye. Your financial Blue-Print should include: Knowing your net-worth or current financial situation. Then set attainable goals to get where you want to be in the next three, six, or twelve months and beyond. One of the most important ways to get control of finances is to know where your money is going. Develop a spending plan or budget. Keep financial recordings simple. List all income sources. Then record all transactions. Keep records of every financial transaction, daily. Write it out! Yes, I know…I’ve got your attention now. Why Budget? We budget because budgeting helps prioritize our spending. It tells us how much money we have, where it should go, and ultimately, where the money went. Spend it on paper first, budget every dollar and stop living paycheck to paycheck! Budgeting Essentials: Checkbook balancing: Keeps finances in order and prioritizes spending; prevents costly overdraft fees, prevents overspending, and helps us live within our means. Don’t trash your money you work too hard for it! For more information on budgeting essentials, please feel free to contact me at: [email protected] or call 305- 878-8158 to schedule an appointment. I will be happy to assist you on your personal journey to becoming financially secure. MR2D MEDIA LAUNCHES NEW PODCAST THROUGH BLACK EYES: UNFILTERED FEATURING EDUCATORS, ACTIVISTS, AND BROTHERS: DR. MARVIN DUNN AND DR. RAYMOND DUNN, SR., MODERATED BY TOMEKA NAPPER MR2D Media LLC, founded by Raymond Dunn, Jr., has launched Through Black Eyes: Unfiltered a new weekly audio/video podcast series about the untold truth of Florida’s racist past and present, moderated by Ms. Tomeka C. Napper. The podcast features experts and legendary brothers, Dr. Marvin Dunn and Dr. Raymond Dunn, Sr., having an unfiltered discussion about Southern Black History the way they see it, to remind listeners young and old that events of the past are still happening. “Our listeners are in for an engaging dialogue with our podcast sibling stars on Florida’s black history, and their honesty is invigorating,” says Ms. Napper. ‘We dig deep into the underbelly of Florida history, disgorging untold stories that should never be forgotten,” says, Dr. Marvin Dunn, Dunn Brother, Educator, Historian, and Author. In the first episode of Through Black Eyes: Unfiltered (available now), listeners and viewers will get an introductory look into who the Dunn Brothers are, and why this type of podcast is needed now - in Florida’s current political climate. Future episodes cover a range of topics including Rosewood, Arthur McDuffie, Riots in Miami in the 1980s, Harry T. Moore, High Sheriffs, the Civil Rights Movement in Florida, Tallahassee Sit-ins, Negro Wade- ins that helped to establish the first negro beach in Miami, and more. In addition, special guests include former Dade County Police Officer and Public Affairs Spokesperson, Major Lonnie Lawrence, along with Delores Davis Hills and Carolyn Reeds Abrams, former Florida A&M University students and classmates of Dr. Raymond Dunn, Sr. “The unfiltered truth may make some uncomfortable and others angry, but it must be told,” says Dr. Raymond Dunn, Sr., Dunn Brother, Educator, Historian, and Author. Partnering up with Sugarcane Global Media to bring this vision forth, MR2D Media believes through this podcast the expert knowledge, resources, and real-life experiences of both brothers as educators, activists, and historians will teach and guide future generations to continue the path of healing and change in the black community and to never forget history. “The reason I am doing this podcast with my Dad and my Uncle is because they have the perfect platform to make this podcast happen and be successful,” says Raymond Dunn, Jr., Podcast Creator and President of MR2D Media, LLC. Listen Now to Through Black Eyes: Unfiltered via Apple Podcast, YouTube, or your favorite podcast app.