The Gospel Truth Magazine March 2019 | Page 8

Steps To Biblical Financial Empowerment By Rev. Dr. Bettie M. Ferguson, Pastor/Teacher Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am blessed and honored to bring to readers of The Gospel Truth Magazine “Steps To Biblical Financial Empowerment.” I am extremely grateful to Ms. Walker for this golden opportunity. I have been given a mandate by God to teach Biblical principles and concepts of financial empowerment. GOD WANTS HIS PEOPLE OUT OF DEBT, plain and simple. Let me begin by stating that I am not a Licensed Financial Planner (LFP) or financial guru. My knowledge was gained by reading, studying, planning, and applying learned principles. For me, the concept of debt-free living came later in life as I was already deeply indebted when I acquired the knowledge. I was caught up in the credit trap and living from paycheck to paycheck, haphazardly spending without a plan or budget. Some of you may be where I was a few years ago, just acquiring knowledge of principles of biblical financial empowerment and debt-free living. Some may be well on your way, while others may have already achieved total financial freedom and are presently living a life free of the overwhelming burden of debt. If you fall into the latter category, CONGRATULATIONS, great job! My passion for this subject is the result of my own pain and suffering caused by a series of very poor choices, bad planning, and lack of knowledge concerning biblical concepts on money matters. I now attribute my family’s financial stability to applying learned biblical principles, precepts, and practices. Someone once told me, “you have to learn what you teach and practice what you preach.” With that said, I trust that information presented in this article will bless, enhance and empower as we follow steps that lead to our heavenly Father’s plan for our financial future. Our Father wants to accomplish something eternally significant through our lives. The Kingdom purpose for earthly wealth is not to invest in worldly pleasures but to invest in eternal treasures. Jesus said, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and thieves break in and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in and steal, for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:19-21 NKJV). Our nation is a nation deeply indebted, her people are engrossed in consumer debt. See the below statistics from CBN News reported on February 13, 2019. “America broke another record this week -- when the nation’s debt crossed the $22 trillion mark. At about 80 percent of the country’s GDP, it’s the highest level of debt since World War II, making the U.S. an outlier among its peers.” The subject of debt can be extremely complex, but I plan to keep it simple and present it in laymen’s terms. However, before we can tackle the subject of debt freedom, we must first understand what debt is and how much of it we have accumulated. We will explore some strategies later. Getting out of debt can seem like a daunting task, but trust me, it can be done. The key is getting started by understanding how much debt you have acquired; then developing a plan for getting out and staying out. Our only obligation to debt should be that of love. The Bible admonishes, “Owe no one anything except love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law” (Romans 13:8). The goal of this series is to help you focus on your personal debt and find solutions that lead to becoming debt free and financially secure. With less debt, there will be more money to give to your local church for Kingdom building; more money to save for the future; more for your child’s education, and more to spend on things you really enjoy. MAKE JESUS LORD OVER YOUR FINANCES Jesus is Lord! Make Him Lord over all areas of your life, including your finances and possessions. We are His stewards, trustees, and money- managers. All that we have including our lives belong to Him. He has simply entrusted us to manage according to His plans and purposes. How are we doing as managers?