The Good Life France Magazine Issue No 28 | Page 94

change . Apps are a form of software which provides a means to carry out a task such as shopping or games .
In 2020 , there were almost 3 million apps available for downloading in Google Play Store , enabling users to access a huge variety of digital services .
Banks are responding to this appetite for apps by launching new apps which are secure and offer more services . Ma Banque is an app developed by Crédit Agricole Normandie to enable customers to consult and manage accounts and budgets as well as carrying out daily banking transactions . You can view multiple accounts , transfer money immediately safely and securely as well as review balances on loans and interest on savings accounts . In addition , the app allows you to budget and control your spending , with handy alerts on accounts and budget overruns .

High speed internet

Another reason for the digital change is the expansion of high speed internet coverage . The French government published a plan ‘ Plan France Haut / Très Haut Débit ’ with a target to provide highspeed broadband of at least 30 mbps to all of France by 2022 .
Despite slow progress in many areas , it is fair to say though that fast broadband including fibre optic services are gradually being rolled out throughout the country , enabling people to use their computers for online banking and shopping . However access to high speed internet in France is far from universal ; currently an estimated 6 million people lack a minimum quality access to the internet , particularly in rural areas .

Expectations are changing

For us as customers , some things will never change . We want to receive a good quality service , at a reasonable price and within a realistic timescale . However our needs and expectations are changing . Some credit this to the so-called ‘ Amazon effect ’, whereby consumers can find and purchase products with only a few clicks , getting the items delivered straight to their door .
Research reveals a shift in expectations particularly amongst younger generations . These age groups – often referred to as ‘ Generation X ’ and ‘ Millennials ’ are used to the speed and flexibility of online banking and prefer the digital experience . But this attitude is affecting all age groups . One in five people over the age of 65 now has an online bank account , a trend which is likely to increase .
As COVID19 continues to restrict activity , particularly for more vulnerable people , the ability to undertake everyday financial transactions such as for paying bills online and ordering shopping is even more crucial . The pandemic may also hasten the move to a cashless society ; a February 2021 survey by the Banque de France found that 39 % of French citizens have reduced their use of cash since March 2020 .

The future is personal

Customers want to feel valued . The growth in e-commerce and digitalisation in all services including banking , offers choice and greater diversity of services , all easily accessible by using our fingertips .
To deliver a personalised service in