The Gold Book of Rhodes | Page 36

R HODES CRUISE DESTINATION Chania 219 Bodrum 69 Santorini Heraklion 171 148 Limassol 271 Izmir 231 Volos 331 Thessaloniki 383 Beirut 390 Istanbul 422 Port of Rhodes Kos 64 Patmos 108 Syros 175 Mykonos 165 Piraeus Port Said 257 Nauplion Haifa 372 394 280 Mytilini 224 Katakolon 382 Ever since the torch on top of the Colossus of Rhodes directed seamen to the safety of its port, Rhodes has been a centre of commerce, culture and the meeting of nations. According to mythology, Rhodes was the bride of the sun god Helios. He bestowed upon her light, warmth and vegetation. Their three grandsons Kamiros, Ialisos and Lindos, founded the cities which are named afer them. The building of the town of Rhodes was planned by the father of town-planning, Hippodamos in 408 BC. The island went through centuries of battles, earthquakes, raids, power and decline, from the Romans to the Byzantines to the Genoese and the Othomans, before officially becoming part of Greece in 1947. In the past two decades Rhodes has seen a great improvement in infrastructure, new hotels have been built with state of the arts facilities, the port and airport have undergone renovation and upgrading, the roads and public transport system undergo constant maintenance and renovation.