Ο Ι.Ν. της Ευαγγελιστρίας, η μητρόπολη της Πάτρας, πάνω
στην κεντρικότατη Μαιζώνος | The Temple of Evangelistria,
the cathedral of Patras, on the central Mezonos str.
“stairs of St. Nikolaos”, next to
the namesake Temple and the
chapel of St. Paisios. The streets
located above are crossed by
Gerokostopoulou street leading
to the other stairs of the centre,
known as “Gerokostopoulou
stairs”, surrounded by alternative
hangouts that are frequented
by students.
An urban centre with excellent
structure that apart from the
large avenues and the walkways,
features some of the most
popular and great squares in the
town, as well as many cross and
parallel streets that complete
the map of the town.
The higher you get, the better is
the view of the town and the sea,
with the strairs of St. Nikolaos
stealing the scene (if you manage
to climb them, as they are many
and quite uphill, compared to
those of Gerokostopoulou
that aren’t so uphill and steep).
Head to Aghiou Nikolaou street
to reach the marvellous 25is
Martiou Square and admire
the views, or go a bit higher, to
Dasyllio. Alternatively, as you
go up Dimitriou Gounari street,
take a detour on the right to
Athanasiou Diakou to reach
Psilon Alonion square, which
is believed to be the most
beautiful square in the town.