The ‘Conscious Capitalism’ movement has gained extraordinary
momentum over the past five years and is transforming the landscape
of commerce. For too long companies large and small have focussed
solely on shareholder profit and relegated to the balance sheet the
issue of the importance of business to wider society. The philosophy
of conscious capitalism seeks to change this and bring business and
its vital wealth-creating abilities to the centre of societal values. Forbes
magazine recently ran an article titled, ‘Only Conscious Capitalists
Will Survive’; strong words indeed from the publishing bible of high
capitalism. Author Jeff King, CEO of advertising agency Barkley writes:
“Is conscious capitalism profitable?
In a simple answer, yes. We have
seen it happen more often over the
past several decades—the success of
companies that truly commit to the
greater good. Yet, we would say that
not only can conscious capitalism be
profitable, it will be one of the defining
mechanisms of profit in the future”
- (King, 2013)
In my role as the CEO of EuRA, the
DSPs are locally or regionally based
European Relocation Association, I
and provide support, information and
work with companies and corporations
practical services to local companies
from across the world in every sector of
who are moving their staff, managers
commerce. It’s part of my role to promote
and teams into or out of the area
the importance of global mobility and
where the DSP operates, and also to
talent management to the wider corporate RMCs as local suppliers to the RMCs’
community. But the larger aspect of my
corporate clients. RMCs are national
work is supporting the needs of our
or international providers who work
members, providers of mobility services
directly with corporate clients to
who work locally, regionally, nationally and structure and deliver global mobility
internationally. Providers in the mobility
programmes. RMCs employ DSPs
industry are broadly divided into two
to provide on-the-ground services
types: destination service providers (DSPs)
to the staff and families of their
and relocation management companies
corporate clients.
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