The Global Phoenix - Issue 3 August 2017 | Page 12

stakeholders and create loyalty? A great example of a higher purpose definition within a conscious company is Disney’s: ‘To use our imaginations to bring happiness to millions.’ Within EuRA as an organisation, we are in the process of assessing these elements and creating a higher purpose vision. Our primary higher purpose is to create a world where the value of the services provided by EuRA Members is understood in a way that that individuals and families in transition are professionally assisted so they can start maximising the experiences that living in a new place can bring. Our core value is to provide services to the members that are relevant, professionally and personally enhancing and cost effective. A good example is our annual conference. Our core value for this conference is to deliver an event that enhances our guests’ enjoyment of being part of the relocation industry and we do this by being truly welcoming, providing an atmosphere that people enjoy being part of and holding events that make every guest feel included and part of the ‘EuRA Family’. This family feeling is part of our external positioning and marks EuRA out amongst other bodies working in the mobility industry. It is vital to our core purpose and our external positioning that we continue to uphold the importance of inclusivity to members of the association, making them aware of how important they are as stakeholders. So a definition of higher purpose for EuRA could be: ‘By enabling our members to be the best at what they do, we make the experience of relocation a life-enhancing one.’ Stakeholder Integration The big difference between stakeholder integration in a conscious company and within a CSR policy is that no stakeholder is perceived as more important than any other. In a non-conscious company, even where it has a robust CSR, the shareholder will often take precedence over other stakeholders. Customers, employees, suppliers and investors all take an equal place in the integration of the conscious company. But the wider community is also, “one of the core constituents of the conscious business” (Sisodia, 2012). All business should benefit the wider community and this is where CSR policies have really begun to integrate businesses into society. Page 12