The Global Achievers The Global Achivevers / 2019 Issue 10 | Page 23

"Let me start with the College or Educational side. Seeings how our # 2 granddaughter just got her degree in business management, May 2019 from Menlo College.She landed a job with Tesla and has been there about a year. Althea just received a 40% wage increase. Her future is bright. Great story........... However this doesn’t always happen. I just retired after fourteen years in the educational field, mostly middle and high school levels. I remember many years ago, Degrees were like Gold or Savings bonds. If I was speaking ( which I do) to a group of young adults I would tell them.... get active in school. At the district I was working at, they have shops which include Wood, Auto, Ironwork, Carpenters,Aviation and a few others. Each giving on the job training for four years. Upon graduating these students are ready to apply with experience. Businesses in the area recruit from these shops.There is a two fold to this. In order to be eligible you must maintain a 2.0 or better. I have seen students turn it around by being in these classes. One young man I mentored is now working in construction making Union scale. Recently he became a father has a girlfriend with huge family Love. In ending I was an entrepreneur at twelve, then many years later owned a Trucking Company for nineteen years. I earned a..... BS major in Conology from The School of Hard Knocks." Coach Chucks

Charles Prizen

Founder/CEO of Me

Inc Now Consulting