The Global Achievers The Global Achivevers / 2019 Issue 10 | Page 21

Q - How do you want to be remembered?

A - When I am remembered, hopefully it puts a smile on someone’s face. I’d like to know that when my name is mentioned, it puts someone in good mood. There is another wonderful movie, which is included in my list for cinema therapy for Russian clients, it is called “Bless the Woman”. One of the characters describes her narrative: “One should live for love, one should not live to grieve, one should not annoy others, one should not condemn, and always show respect for others.” I live this way and this is how I want to be remembered. Life does include grief, worries and fear but I want to be associated with brightness and joyfulness. I wish for nothing else!!!

Q - You mentioned in the past - The Fridge Effect. Can you please explain what the fridge effect means?

A - In just three years of living in Canada, I speak English fluently, I built a growing coaching

practice and organized exhibitions in five different continents. I was able to achieve this by

applying ‘the fridge effect” practice. If you fill your fridge with food and you feel it cannot take any more food and for some reason, you have to go and shop for groceries again, you will still find

space for them in that full fridge. This is what I call the fridge effect. It can be applied to other

areas of our lives also ; money management, time management, space management e.t.c. NV
