The Global Achievers The Global Achievers | Page 3

Welcome to the first edition of The Global Achievers, our new quarterly e-magazine designed specially to share stories of adversity to achievement around the world, stories to inspire people to their greatness.

The Global Achievers magazine is for readers who are eager to learn from other people’s stories. In Russian there is an expression: The wise man learns from someone else mistakes, the smart man learns from his own, and the stupid one never learns.

We want to help you understand that no matter what you are going through, someone somewhere had already gone through the experience and by making the stories available for you to read, you can learn and live better, too.

We are bombarded with negative news, creating fear and anxiety. We aim to cut through the negativity and share stories of strength, tenacity, perseverance, and determination. We will share with you clear, sensible and reliable stories from real people who we refer to as STARS because we believe that is what they are, having gone through so many adversities to become achievers.

We hope you enjoy this first issue and do let us know if there are any topics you’d like to see covered in the future.


Vicky Omifolaji

August 2018.
