And WHY do I follow my WHY? Because it’s a compulsion. I HAVE TO DO THIS WORK. This is my life purpose – the reason I’m on this planet at this time. This has been in me in every job I’ve ever had – and now that I’m running a makeup company, I have the perfect outlet to shine my light of gorgeousness and self-love and makeup on all the women I meet. I’m that person that tells strangers they’re beautiful, I’m the person who compliments women and means it and I’m the person who sees beauty in everything – and I’m so lucky to be able to see that, so I can shine that beauty on the women I work with, so they can see their beauty too.
I believe that when you LOOK good, you FEEL good, and you DO good. So whatever it is you want to do in the world – start by feeling great about yourself. You’ll change the world that way!
I wrote the Iridis Oath (attached) to sum up what Iridis and I stood for. It’s our “Mel Gibson on the back of the horse going into battle in Braveheart” call to action. I actually watched that Mel Gibson speech before I meditated and then I wrote this Oath. It just poured out of me. And I love that in that movie, William Wallace wore makeup – his warpaint – and as women, we go into battle every day to be the best version of ourselves – there’s a reason they call makeup warpaint!
3. Flashback to when you were 10 years old. What do you want to be when you grow up?
This is the coolest thing – I actually had my own pretend “Beauty Shop” when I was 10 – I even made a sign advertising this. Thank goodness my mum took a photo of it! It forms part of my Makeup Workshop Glamtorial® Presentations!
I was doing makeovers on all my friends, styling their hair and putting way too much pink and purple eyeshadow on myself. I was stealing my sisters’ makeup and I was begging to be given makeup for every birthday and Christmas. I also was sure I was going to be the next Nicole Kidman, and become a very famous actress.
(See photos of my “makeup drawings” and “Beauty Shop sign”.