know when the time is right to stay or to go…if we should begin plugging the holes or perhaps seek a new ship entirely?
In any business there are unavoidable situations which require that we abandon ship, but not for the purpose of our drowning in the dark, murky waters below; but so that we may move to a different
vessel in which to continue our journey. I sometimes find myself becoming impatient with life, wanting all the things I am working towards to manifest right now, today.
When feeling as if the scenery of life is moving too slowly, or experiencing fear that the course you are on has somehow been altered...what should you do? Does one panic? Does one prepare to abandon ship? The answer to that depends..., it depends on what the conditions of the situation warrant. Many times it boils down to simply battening down the hatches, securing the line, riding the storm out, and then there are those times that we must do whatever is required to insure we remain afloat.
If your ship is truly prepared for the journey of a lifetime, then you must never forget that it was prepped from the very beginning with all you would need in the case of choppy waters, seemingly insurmountable waves, or even should you run aground. We forget some times that even in the darkest of nights, when the darkness is so thick that we cannot see our own hand directly in front of us, there is a compass placed deep within our spirits.
Faith is that compass, it is the device in which we can always place our complete matter what.
Faith is that thing that leads us directly to the perfect size lifeboat, if and when we should ever need to
change traveling vessels. Faith is the rope that we can hold on to in order to avoid being swept
overboard during the storm. Faith..., it is the brightly shining light, that one glimmer we can faintly make
out somewhere in the distance in the bleakest of nights. is the boarding pass we were each
presented with when we initially began our voyage, and it will serve as the baggage claim ticket once we
have reached our destination.
It is imperative to remember in smooth waters and treacherous storms both, to focus on not the
destination or goal, but on the process…the journey. The consistent ability to focus on the process is
what separates not only the entrepreneur from the ordinary worker, but what determines ultimately
how successful or not the entrepreneur will be. The process or journey, is the driving force in reaching
any goal, it is the one thing we actually have control over. Many