Loren Michaels Harris
Reading Between the Lines
What makes an entrepreneur different from the normal 9 to 5 worker? The answers to this question are as vast as the Atlantic is wide! The entrepreneurial spirit is steeped within those qualities which scream adventure, perseverance, dedication, boldness, and most importantly…vision. Many of us when preparing for the journey of launching our vision…become so entwined within the “excitement”, we overlook the packing of our emergency kits.
Often in life when we are attempting to accomplish something of importance, overcome something stressful, or are just simply trying to keep our head above water...we experience the call to abandon ship, jump overboard, or to simply quit! To feel overwhelmed in attempting to master the truly complicated in life is a completely normal experience, and we must be prepared to answer that call to abandon ship with a resounding NO! So exactly how do we know when the time is right to stay or to go…if we should begin plugging the holes or perhaps seek a new ship entirely?
In any business there are unavoidable situations which require that we abandon ship, but not for the purpose of our drowning in the dark, murky waters below; but so that we may move to a different vessel in which to continue our journey. I sometimes find myself becoming impatient with life, wanting all the things I am working towards to manifest right now, today.
When feeling as if the scenery of life is moving too slowly, or experiencing fear that the course you are on has somehow been altered...what should you do? Does one panic? Does one prepare to abandon ship? The answer to that depends..., it depends on what the conditions of of the situation warrant.